Sept. 14, 2023

Where prophecy is idolized, Evangelism is Minimized

Where prophecy is idolized, Evangelism is Minimized
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Transformation Generation with Derek Schneider

Our generation has been blessed to witness the rise and restoration of the true prophetic, and the glory of the New Testament office of prophet. …and then the extremes came! With the weapon of “the prophetic” in hand, we built personal followings, made money, attempted to influence political outcomes, and dazzled the church with the glamorous, until we all found a home with forever waiting for “something coming, but not yet.” 

The values of the early protestants took quite a hit. Not only did we become comfortable with words with little fruit, but under the glamour of the idol of prophecy and prophetic gatherings, evangelism and scattering was put on the shelf. Well…not any more! Evangelism is now on the rise as the heartbeat of Jesus takes centre stage.