Jan. 4, 2022

“Abounding in your Field” A Prophetic Word for this Season!

“Abounding in your Field” A Prophetic Word for this Season!
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WAKE UP INTO YOUR DREAM with Barry Maracle

Abounding in The Fields, is the Word I am getting from the Lord for this season, era and year.

Before I prophesy this season, let's go back to the 2019.

As we entered into the 5780, the fall of 2019, Every Prophet I knew was prophesying about, “PEY”!

PEY, is the numerical value of 80 in the Hebrew language.

So if you walking down the street in Israel and you were talking about the year they were in they would of said, PEY. Not only does PEY pictorially looks like a mouth but in Hebrew it actually means Open Mouth in.

So 5780 -5789 was going to the decade of declaration.

PEY was supposed to be the, “Decade of Declaration”! Where God was going to Roar through the Church, The Ekklesia. There were many prophetic images of The Lion of the Tribe of Judah, with an open mouth Roaring! Very powerful and very exciting times.

The year 2020 was coming and we couldn’t wait to see what our Lion of The Tribe of Judah, our resurrected saviour Jesus Christ was about to do!

After all we knew this is when we were going to receive the fresh breath from the roaring Lion, The very Ruach Hakodesh was about to blow on us  and we were going to create this new day for the Kingdom aaaaand… Bamm! 2020 comes and the ABSOLUTE OPPOSITE  happens!!!

So why?

Great question?

How in the world did all the prophets miss all of this?

So what in the world happened!?!?

Or What in the Heaven happened or what in the hell, happened!?!?

So here we are!

We did not give up and we are still standing.

Now what?!?

No this!

We have been being prepared!

It’s never been about the enemy, the virus or government overreach!

It’s all about getting us, The Ekklesia, The Church, The People of the Kingdom readied!

Two years ago, we could have never survived the revealed mysteries, the affluence or the influence we are about to step into in this next season!!!

I know for me, the blessings of the Lord would have probably killed me at best! I am so grateful for these last two years of preparation!!!

Am I fully ready, I don’t really know, but I know I am certainly much more ready then I was!!!

In this Podcast hear how God is about to take all the intended curses and all preparation times and turn it into an amazing opportunity to Abound, right in the face of the enemy and and be an answer right their in your field that the Lord has sown you into!


Much Love,

Barry C. Maracle