April 19, 2022

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WAKE UP INTO YOUR DREAM with Barry Maracle

As we continue on the series of, The Ascended Life, I wanted to share why we can have The Ascended Life.

We just celebrated Easter weekend with Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday.  So Happy Easter Everyone!!! Easter is one of the greatest weekends of the year!

On this Podcast I share exactly what gives us an All Access Pass into The Ascended and Abundant Life!

The PAYMENT of the Blood that Jesus shed created accessibility for Holy Spirit to come into our whole Spirit, Soul and Body!

There are actually seven places where Jesus shed His Blood for our perfect Redemption! Seven is God’s number of Perfection.

  1. The Garden - What was lost in the Garden through disobedience is purchase back in the Garden of Obedience.
  2. The Mouth - Every time you cursed, lied or accused someone, He paid with the shedding of His Blood. He also paid here for your ability to speak Life and proclaim the promises and stop rehearsing the curses.
  3. By His Stripes we are Healed - Jesus bore the stripes and the wounds to redeem our bodies from the ravages of sickness and disease.
  4. Crown of thorns - The primary job of a demon is to pierce your mind and try to create strongholds. Jesus wore the crown of thorns to pay for deliverance and protection of the soul.
  5. His Hands - Jesus paid for every time you slapped, punched or even inappropriately touched someone.
  6. His Feet - Jesus paid for every time you walk somewhere you were not supposed to. Maybe you walked into a strip club or you walked into someones house and had an affair.
  7. His Side - They pierced Jesus’s side and blood and water came out. The Blood representing accessibility for Holy Spirit to come into your heart. The water representing the Spirit of Life.

God was so Prophetically brilliant in showing us places He where He actually shed His Blood giving us Faith to believe that He paid to Grant us Accessibility!

Jump this Podcast and receive Revelation of what Jesus Paid for, giving full access to all the resources of Heaven!

Much Love,

Barry C. Maracle