In this world and especially at these times we need answers beyond what we have been operating in. Good news is that we can receive greater answers than we have ever received in direct response of the evil of the day!
Encounters of the God Kind is the answer for everything!
The religious spirits have been telling charismatic people for years that you can’t be so heavenly minded, because if you are you will never be any earthly good!
During this episode I go into historical truths of how most of our modern technologies have come by way of Revelations from God, that the greatest inventors of all times received through encounters with God! That’s why I called this episode, “Spirit of Revelation Births Innovation!
There are real and amazing innovations that will bring modern day answers that God already prepared for those that would have the audacity to believe and venture out and get caught up into the Glory Encounters with God. Answers and solutions are waiting for us. The whole world is waiting for the manifestation of the son’s and daughter’s who go up and be filled up and come back down and distribute answers!
The answers are waiting for us just on the other side of our hungering and thirsting for and Encounter of the God Kind!
Much Love,
Barry C. Maracle