
Sept. 17, 2024

What Is God Saying? with Special Guest Ben Johnston

In this week’s episode, Barry welcomes Ben Johnston for a powerful discussion on what God is speaking in this season. The church is being called out of spiritual slumber and into a time of activation. It's time to eliminate …
Sept. 10, 2024

Governing Time Part 2 with Dr. Joshua Fowler

In this week’s episode, Barry is joined once again by special guest Joshua Fowler as they continue their powerful conversation on governing time here on Earth. Together, they explore the restorative power of Jesus and how wh…
Sept. 3, 2024

Governing Time with Dr. Joshua Fowler

In this week's episode, Barry welcomes special guest, Joshua Fowler for a life-changing discussion on the power of governing time. We’re called to arise and possess the Kingdom and take back things the enemy has stolen inclu…
Aug. 27, 2024

Reigning Now with Joshua Fowler & Candice Smithyman

In this week's episode, Barry welcomes two special guests, Joshua Fowler and Candice Smithyman, for an inspiring conversation. We’re called to ascend in life right now, taking governance over time and activating our lives by…
Aug. 20, 2024

Your Answer for NOW!

In this week's episode, join Barry as he welcomes a very special guest, Anthony Greco, to the show. Over three decades ago, Anthony spoke a prophetic word into the lives of Barry and Tammy, leaving a lasting impact. In this …
Aug. 13, 2024

Can We Really Trust Him?

In this week's episode, Barry is joined by a very special guest—his daughter, Sarah Maracle. Together, they dive into the transformative power of the finished work of the cross and explore why we can truly place our trust in…
Aug. 6, 2024

Appetites and Atmospheres Part 4 - On Earth As In Heaven

Welcome back to Wake Up Into Your Dream! In this week's episode, we delve into Part 4 of our series, "Appetites and Atmospheres." Discover how to, with intentionality, create an atmosphere of Heaven on Earth. Learn to cultiv…
July 30, 2024

Appetites and Atmospheres Part 3 - Spiritual Warfare

Welcome back to Wake Up Into Your Dream! In this week's episode, we delve into Part 3 of our series, "Appetites and Atmospheres." We'll be exploring how to operate effectively in spiritual warfare. Learn how to fight from th…
July 23, 2024

Appetites and Atmospheres Part 2

Welcome back to Wake Up Into Your Dream! In this week's episode, we're diving into Part 2 of "Appetites and Atmospheres." We'll be discussing how to cultivate a deeper appetite for the Kingdom of God and discerning what we a…
July 16, 2024

Appetites and Atmospheres

We are the manifestation the world has been waiting for. It's time to influence and transform the Kingdoms of this world into the Kingdoms of our God. The atmosphere you live in is shaped by your desires and appetite. What a…
July 9, 2024

War of Awareness

There is a war going on today, and it is the war for your awareness. Join us in this week's episode as we discuss how to shift our focus from the things we are facing and redirect it back to the Creator. We will discuss how …
July 2, 2024

I’ve Won The War, So Why Am I Still Fighting Battles?

You must be intentional about where you’re allowing your attention in this hour. If you are a born again believer in Jesus Christ you have already won the war, but now it is the receiving of the Spirit of Christ into your mi…
June 25, 2024

2024 Prophetic Update

Join us this week as we delve into the prophetic word God has given for 2024, focusing on June 24th, when we anticipate stepping into the greatest outpouring the world has ever seen. In this episode, we'll discuss how to pre…
June 18, 2024

Fathering a Generation

This week I had the privilege of being interviewed by my daughter Victoria and co-host Briley on the Same Wage Podcast. Victoria and Briley desire to see their generation come under healthy spiritual fathers and mothers. In …
June 11, 2024

The Academy of H.O.P.E Part 4

As believers in Jesus Christ, you must know these three things; whose you are, who you are, and to whom you are called. When you can confidently answer those three questions, that is when an audacious hope can be birthed wit…
June 4, 2024

The Academy of H.O.P.E Part 3

As believers in Jesus Christ, we must understand dominion is not dominating humanity, it’s releasing them. We cannot be a people that just discuss problems, we must bring solutions. Hope is the culture of the Kingdom of Heav…
May 28, 2024

The Academy of H.O.P.E Part 2

As believers in Jesus Christ, we must understand dominion is not dominating humanity, it’s releasing them. We cannot be a people that just discuss problems, we must bring solutions. Hope is the culture of the Kingdom of Heav…
May 21, 2024

The Academy of H.O.P.E

We as believers have something that can empower people. That something is hope! Biblical hope is that which is sure and certain, HOPE is a foundation in the Kingdom of God, that can’t be taken from you! You must have a bette…
May 14, 2024

Hope Strategies for Perilous Days

In the midst of these perilous days there are present day hope strategies. We know every person faces tribulations, but many do not know this.Tribulations produce perseverance, perseverance produces character, and character …
May 7, 2024

Obedience Is My Greatest Weapon

“Why sit we here till we die?” (2 Kings 7:3) The four lepers asked each other this challenging question in the midst of their awful situation. Today, I want to share with you that your step of obedience is your greatest weap…
April 30, 2024

Paid In Full

As our Saviour hung on the cross He said the most important phrase in all of human history, tetelestai. That one word in Greek is translated to English as ‘paid in full’ and the scriptural reference of ‘it is finished.’ Toda…
April 23, 2024

Possessing the Promises

As believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Spirit of the Sovereign Lord lives in us and we live in Him which means WE ARE ANOINTED! In the New Testament, the Bible says 87 times “In Christ.” If I am in Christ, I am in the Sp…
April 16, 2024

The Lion, The witch, and The LORDdrobe pt. 3

When you became a born again believer the Holy Spirit was put inside of you to anoint you, to strengthen you, to come up and out of you. Today, I want to welcome you back for part 3 of our LORDdrobe series! It is critical th…
April 9, 2024

Holy Ghost Encounters & Moves of the Spirit PART 2

This week I welcome back Stephen Strader to release a revival anointing over our lives! In this episode, he shares about the 2008 Lakeland Revival with Todd Bentley. This revival continued to grow and eventually, they were p…