Jan. 11, 2022

Getting Ready To Abound

Getting Ready To Abound
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WAKE UP INTO YOUR DREAM with Barry Maracle

What does it mean, to Abound anywhere or to Abound in MY Fields?

The Lord told me back in the early part of 2020, that in this season…

The Ekklesia is Awakening,

The Ekklesia is Arising,

The Ekklesia is Advancing and

The Ekklesia is about to Abound!!!

Over the last two years the Lord has been doing such a great work in us and we have learned that we needed to Repent all the way through. God has been dealing with us in sins of commission, but also our merciful God was dealing with sins of omission! There are actual places in your life where you are missing the mark and you are actually sinning against God and you have NO Clue, that’s the sin of omission! The enemy has been quite successful through traumas and childhood abuse and devastating diseases and divorces to cause trigger points. When we get triggered because of past losses etc, we immediately start going into negative patterns all over again. God has been dealing with these sins of omission and is still wanting us to call on a great Grace to Repent!

We as the people of God, have been Awakening, Arising, Advancing so we could ABOUND in this next season, era and year!

Everything you/we have been going through has not only purged us, but it has also been causing us to level up with the anointing!!!

The greater Grace is about to abound in DIRECT response to the evil of the day!!!

Get ready to abound in the obedience to the calling and abound in your fields of influence!

God has specifically placed you in that region, in that family and in that job etc., because He knew what He put on the inside of you.

He knows that you are about to grow up way bigger than the evil that has been containing all the people in your spheres of influence and metron of ministry!!!

Ladies and Gentlemen…

It’s NOT time to Escape!!!

It’s your season to dominate!!!

You are about to be an answer to a multitude of people!

Jump on the Podcast today and receive another tool for your advancement in Life!


Much love,

Barry C. Maracle