March 28, 2023

“God Wants you to Be... Happy and Blissful”

“God Wants you to Be... Happy and Blissful”
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WAKE UP INTO YOUR DREAM with Barry Maracle

God wants you to BE Blessed!!!
Blessed is the Greek word makarios, which actually means Happy and Blissful!
Yes! God wants you to be HAPPY & BLISSFUL! The enemy does not want you to receive this truth! We are Happy & Blissful for a great purpose.
It’s part of your arsenal of great wealth that allows you to be victorious in any circumstance or situation and not be negatively effected, but because you are so BLESSED, you become the change agent!
I also, share wee bit more about my journey into living a wonderfully blessed life!
Jump on this Podcast and receive a revelation of the Blessings of the Lord and actually receive an impartation to become the answer your world needs.

Much Love, 

Barry C. Maracle