May 17, 2022

God’s Power is Increasing

God’s Power is Increasing
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WAKE UP INTO YOUR DREAM with Barry Maracle

Last week I spoke on May being the Month of Miracles!!!

We have been seeing many many many miracles this month and you need to know that it is not fizzling out… IT IS RAMPING UP!!!

We are about to go from Glory to Glory and the Power of God is Increasing… NOT, DECREASING!!!

I want to discredit an eastern mysticism that has crept into the body of Christ, it’s called ying and yang!

The Ying and yang symbol is a circle with two equal parts. The white part representing good and the other part of the circle is made up with an equal part black representing evil.

Jesus destroyed the works of the evil one and and went right into hell a took back the keys of death hell and the grave.

There is NO eternal struggle going on between good and evil.

The enemy does not have all power!!! You DO!

According Colossians 2:11-15 the enemy was stripped of all His authority and all the debts that you owed him was also all paid for!

There is not equal part God and equal part devil. There is a Great Big Conquering God and a wee devil that is lying about who he is. The only authority that the enemy has in your life is the authority that you give him.

Jump on this Podcast and receive a dose of the Holy Ghost, as I not only go deeper into the scriptures on the Power of God, but I impart an anointing of Power that you can sense as you listen!

Much Love,

Barry C. Maracle