Nov. 22, 2022

Learning How to Strengthen Yourself

Learning How to Strengthen Yourself
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WAKE UP INTO YOUR DREAM with Barry Maracle

It seems like wherever you turn there seems to be more bad news about this that and the other thing. 

So how do you load manage all the negativity?

I preach on how to strengthen yourself in every circumstance!

As you listen today, I also release a Huge Bomb/Balm of HOPE!

Today, I am coming to you from a different perspective today and as you jump on this Podcast I believe you will receive better perspective but also and anointing to breakout, breakthrough and break into your better days.

Here’s a great scripture for this season!

Romans 15:13(KNJV)

13 Now may the God of hope (elpis: the expectation of what is sure and certain) fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

So do me a favour and stop listening to all the lies and confusion coming from the prophets of doubt and unbelief and begin a fresh today to apply the Word of God with Faith and create a brand new day.

Much Love,

Barry C. Maracle