June 1, 2021

“Life In The Spirit” Part 2 “Walking In The Spirit”

“Life In The Spirit” Part 2 “Walking In The Spirit”
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WAKE UP INTO YOUR DREAM with Barry Maracle

When you became Born Again, Born from Above, Born of The Spirit, Holy Spirit actually came into you and you actually became ONE with Holy Spirit! This according to 1 Corinthians 6:17 and John 17:20-23.

The key to living a victorious Life here on this earth is by understanding that you can have the creative Power of God, the very power which created everything and holds it together, come out of you and begin change everything that is contrary to God’s Dream for your life!

How do you do that?!


The answer is found in Galatians 5:25, “If you live in the Spirit… You should also walk in the Spirit!

So to live in the Spirit is you are Born Again, but when you are walking in the Spirit means that the Holy Spirit begins to flow out of you and into the physical and soulish realm. When that happens you are both living in the Spirit and are now walking in the Spirit in the soulish and physical realm and that my friend is when you begin to operate in the, “All things are possible Zone”!

Jump on this podcast and receive some more tools to bring you into your victorious life!

Much Love,

Barry C Maracle