May 31, 2022

Revelation of The New Creation Part 2 - The New Birth

Revelation of The New Creation  Part 2 - The New Birth
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WAKE UP INTO YOUR DREAM with Barry Maracle

As a New Creation, you are nobody's pet project, that needs to be fixed!

You just need the UNVEILING of the True You!!!

We all need The Revelation of our New Creation… starting with our topic today…

The New Birth!!!

Today I start to tackle a few things regarding The New Birth like…

How’d the New Birth happen?


Why do we need The New Birth and become this brand new state-of-the-art New Creation that never was before?

You need to know…

At Your New Birth, you were Recreated in Christ Jesus.

You were naturally birthed and then you were Supernaturally ReBirthed!

You were naturally born of into the Human Race and then Supernaturally ReBorn into the Royal Race!

You were born onto the earth and ReBorn from Above everything natural, Born from Heaven!

2 Corinthians 5:17 states,

17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away(or perished); behold, all things have become new. 

You must receive the truth that OLD things have passed away (DIED) and ALL things have become brand new!!!

I touch on:

  • If I am this New Creation then why do I still find myself doing things of my old nature.
  • Many people who are in the Kingdom of God and have become the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus but are still dealing with past Life Self-Image Problem Information. They are still being led by the lust of their flesh and can’t seem to get the Victory! Well, NOW is the time to put away the old self and being to receive the Revelation of The New Creation!

Jump on this podcast today and receive the revelation of the AWESOMENESS of The New Birth!!!

Much love as always,

Barry C. Maracle