Oct. 19, 2021

The Kingdom Part 1

The Kingdom Part 1
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WAKE UP INTO YOUR DREAM with Barry Maracle

Welcome back to Wake Up Into Your Dream!

Over the next several weeks I am going to be sharing on The Kingdom of God. I think I may take about ten weeks to introduce and share on,

The foundations of His Kingdom.

The Pillars sustaining the Kingdom 

The message of The Kingdom that Jesus came preaching!

The Five ways you tap into The Kingdom!

In this series I will also be sharing on, what is The Kings Domain.

What do we liken or how do we picture the Kingdom of God.

Why do we call forth The Kingdom of God and

Why is The Kingdom so essential and powerful!

One of the scriptures I would like to highlight during this series is,

Romans 14:17, “for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.”

So for the first part I am going to be describing what The Kingdom God is like and the best way to explain The kingdom and set up this series on The Kingdom, I thought I would use the word’s of Jesus. Starting in the Gospels.

So in this episode we dig into some of the parables and green what Jesus said about The Kingdom through them.

Jump on this very powerful Episode and continue to build out and reveal God’s Divinely Designed Dream for your life!

Much Love always,

Barry C. Maracle