Oct. 26, 2021

The Kingdom Part 2

The Kingdom Part 2
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WAKE UP INTO YOUR DREAM with Barry Maracle

Act 1:3 … and speaking of the things pertaining to the Kingdom of God.

So why is the Lord leading me to Teach on this topic?

Great question!

I so endeavour to be led by the Holy Spirit on these Podcasts.

I’m not just emptying my self of 30 years of Ministry and studying the Word of God. I am not just disseminating a life lessons and life hacks, so you can miss pitfalls, to have less casualties.

I believe on these podcasts we are developing strategies and tools for victorious living.

I want to get us back to some good solid ground, so that we can stand firmly in the midst of all of the instability of our future, deconstructing of faith, the stripping down of our belief systems and really trying to be an authentic person.

Several years ago I took my Spiritual daughters and sons on a journey of…

What do we really believe, so we can believe what we really know.

I believe this is a cry of the heart of the true seeker. I believe people have an innate passion to believe. So people are always going to find something to believe in.

My passion for these next Podcasts on, The Kingdom, we will have a greater sense of stability in these times which seem unstable.


I hope you all will gain great strength by simply receiving some truths on The Kingdom!