Nov. 23, 2021

The Kingdom Part 6 “The Dichotomy of The Kingdom”

The Kingdom Part 6 “The Dichotomy of The Kingdom”
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WAKE UP INTO YOUR DREAM with Barry Maracle

We just finished up on The foundations of The Kingdom which were Faith Hope and Love taken from 1 Corinthians 13:13,

These three things REMAIN, Faith, Hope and Love, BUT the greatest of these is Love!

Before you were saved you had Faith, Hope and Love! They are for humanity and will never leave humanity and you have faith hope and love whether you are a Christian or not… Romans 12:3, speaks of how God has given every man a measure of Faith.

Every man and woman came into this realm with a measure of Faith.

Ecclesiastes 3:11, Says that God has put eternity in the hearts of man. Not in the hearts to of saved man only, but all men and women!

The key is understanding that is whole different ballgame! Intrigued??? Take time to check it out.

So Today I also get into the difference of living in the Spirit and Walking in the Spirit. You are to not only survive in both realms, but dominate in both!

Jump on this podcast today and enjoy the anointing and receive a truth that will set you freer than you have ever been!