Aug. 16, 2022

“The Place called… THERE” Part 3

“The Place called… THERE” Part 3
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WAKE UP INTO YOUR DREAM with Barry Maracle


Your whole Spirit, Soul and Body have been being positioned and repositioned.

Over these last two years and five months God has been positioning, re-positioning, transitioning, preparing and fine tuning us! God’s been trying to not only to get us out of the Babylonian system BUT, He’s been trying to get the Babylonian system out of us!

These 2yrs and 5 months have been designed for us to refine us!!!

In this Podcast I share how Abraham was born in Mesopotamia, is the first City developed in the world and had all the activities of trade and commerce and worshipping of idols. Abraham was born into the household his father Tarah. Tarah was an idol craftsman.

God prophesied to Abraham and made him a promise, that if he got up from that place and got to a Place where God was showing him, that he would receive an Inheritance. This was no common Inheritance, but this is what we call biblical stuff. God told Abraham as you believe Me and go, I will make your name great and will multiply your seed as many as the sand on the seashore or the stars in the sky! 

First, God had to not only get Abraham out of Babylon, but God had to get Babylon out Abraham. Abraham left Mesopotamia at 75 and didn’t receive the birthing of his promise till he was 100years old.

God cannot birth your Promise in the wrong place! No! God provides the power to Produce and Re-Produce the Place of your Promised Land!

Hope you have been enjoying the journey over these last weeks to your Place called… There!

Much Love,

Barry C. Maracle