Aug. 23, 2022

“The Place called… THERE” Part 4 The Place of Divine Protection

“The Place called… THERE” Part 4 The Place of Divine Protection
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WAKE UP INTO YOUR DREAM with Barry Maracle

The Place of Divine Protection:

Your Place of your belief and obedience, within The Place of your Eternal Yes, is the Place where you are not only Provided for but you begin to be an answer to so so many others!!!

A great Part of your Provision in The Place Called… There, 

is your Protection!!!

There is a Place in God where you walk in Supernatural Protection!You can see it in Isaiah 35:9, No lion shall be there, Nor shall any ravenous beast go up on it;It shall not be found there.

But the redeemed shall walk there,

Even when it seems that the enemy has breached the fortress and it seems that he is gaining victory and it seems that he is getting closer and closer… Is actually for a few purposes. First. he is getting close enough to be in the closest position to receive the greatest level of damage! When he comes on your ground and within the sphere of your obedience to God, the enemy becomes your captive!!! He is then subjected to the Fire of God coming out of your life, not the way he wants you to believe!!!

As you can see in Psalm 91:13

You shall tread upon the lion and the cobra,

The young lion and the serpent you shall trample underfoot.

I want to share more here but instead, jump on this 4th Part called, The Place of Divine of Protection!

Much Love Always,

Barry C. Maracle