Feb. 22, 2022

The Power of Prayer Part 5 “Petition & Repentance”

The Power of Prayer Part 5 “Petition & Repentance”
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WAKE UP INTO YOUR DREAM with Barry Maracle


So we worshipped God and thanked Him for His goodness etc etc etc... we spent time calling on the Kingdom of God to be manifested from Heaven through us and into the our spheres of influence and now we can begin to make our petitions to God, in the name of Jesus, by way of Holy Spirit.

God wants to bless us more than we want to be blessed.

He wants to meet our needs, more than we want them met.

That's why we aren't going to God and begging Him.

He said to pray this way... GIVE US... THIS DAY, OUR DAILY BREAD.

God has things specifically designed that He wants to give to us... EVERYDAY!.

God is a God of Abundance and you need to understand that your have more resources available to you than you could use in 10 lifetimes. The Bible says that my people have not because they ask not.

Our God is a God that is… MORE THAN ENOUGH!!!



Then we finally get to the place of Repentance.

After we have Worshipped God.

After we have called forth His Kingdom to come and His will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

After we have Petitioned Him and asked Him for all kinds of stuff and partnered with Him in co-creating…

We are at a place where we are to repent. This is significant!

He’s not impressed with your sin or depressed because of the sin.

On this podcast today I reveal some mysteries and some revelatory truths that will help you tremendously!

All my love always,

Barry C. Maracle