Sept. 28, 2021

The Prophetic Part 8 “Hearing”

The Prophetic Part 8 “Hearing”
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WAKE UP INTO YOUR DREAM with Barry Maracle

Very excited about this Episode on, Hearing!

This Part 8 of our series of The Prophetic.

I thought I would kinda give The Prophetic movement a proverbial booster shot in the arm, through this series. My Prophetic friends around the world have taken a bit of a beating because of all the controversy of the last season. Lots of, “he said she said”, stuff going on and some legitimate errors were discovered and some mistakes made, but that does not have to define a movement or an office.

For example, when an Evangelist who’s life is all about getting people saved. So he or she goes out and coerces people into getting saved or they actually preach and nobody gets saved, that does not make them any less an Evangelist, because they were wrong in the way they presented or because nobody got saved! Or Just because you have a healing ministry and you pray for a few people and they don’t get healed. We don’t stop because someone didn’t get healed! No! NO!! NOOO!!! We keep going! Do we repent… YES!!! But we must keep going and giving Grace and Mercies to everyone!!! Amen.

Sorry for the wee bunny trail, lol!

This episode will help us stay in a pure prophetic zone. Jesus only said what the Father said to say! That’s the Key!!!

Amos 3:7-8,  Surely the Lord God does nothing, Unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets. 8 A lion has roared!Who will not fear?The Lord God has spoken! Who can but prophesy

The Key to successfully prophesying is too Prophesy what the Lord has already spoken over any particular subject. All you need is too HEAR and Speak! It’s that simple and the fact that it is so easy to hear from Lord makes it especially wonderful.

Here’s a Life Hack… God wants to speak to you more than you want to hear!

Hope you enjoy this Podcast and receive a boost of Hope and a Grace to continue taking ground and establishing the Kingdom!

All my Love,
