Oct. 5, 2021

The Prophetic Part 9 “Seeing”

The Prophetic Part 9 “Seeing”
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WAKE UP INTO YOUR DREAM with Barry Maracle

If you Can SEE it you can have It!!!

Say it!

If I can see it, I can have it!!!

What you see in the Spirit you can manifest it in the natural.

What you see will often proceed the hearing.

Consequentially what you can’t see is stunting your growth.

Your Gaze will determine your days!

Say, my gaze will determine my days!!!

We need to refocus to be able to repent, so we can recalibrate, to be able to be reformed!

To be reformed is brought back to the original and then UPGraded!!!

Your metamorphosis of your Reformation begins with your proper vision!

We must with great intentionality Refocus on the things above! Colossians says, Colossians 3:2(NKJV) Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.

The enemy is an attention whore and is always trying to draw you into a fight.

He is defeated!!! You must perfect the fine art of ignoring the devil!

Are we not supposed to know our enemy!!!

Here’s the an emphatic NOOOOO!

Stop looking at the mountains in your life!

What you pay attention too, you PAY, attention too!!!

When the enemy has your attention you are spending time with!!!

So today jump on this Podcast and receive some guidelines for seeing properly and receive healing for your eyes and continue your process of becoming His Upgrade.

Much Love,

Barry C. Maracle