Jan. 24, 2023

The Rise of the Remnant Warriors called, “The StormWalkers” Part 4 “Secret Agents, Metamorphosing”

The Rise of the Remnant Warriors called, “The StormWalkers” Part 4 “Secret Agents, Metamorphosing”
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WAKE UP INTO YOUR DREAM with Barry Maracle

There are Secret Agents of The Lord that have been being prepared  in the midst of obscurity and traumas of all types are about to walk out of their graves take their place of Dominion in this season:
- Many have come to the conclusion that they have been protected, not rejected!
- Many were hidden because of fear and some have been hidden in darkness, but are about to come out and when they do come they shall have a mighty deliverance anointing!
- There will be some like Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus, who were actually Secret Agents that were tasked with taking care of the Body of Jesus. In John 19:38-39, Joseph((He will add) of Arimathea(Heights) and Nicodemus (He who is victorious among his people), Prophetically and actually prepared and cocooned Jesus in anointings of preservation and linens of protection and planted in the ground to produce a harvest of infinite possibilities. You have been being prepared and have been cocooned and it is NOW your time to be metamorphosed and breakout of the darkness and begin to go to higher heights.
- Many of the marginalized, Like Blind Bartemaus, the son of Timaeus. (Bartemaus means, Honourable son and Timaeus means, marginalized), will get their voices back!
- It’s time for the remnant warriors to arise and receive resurrection power and be the manifestation of the son’s and daughter’s of God that the whole world is waiting for!
Jump on the podcast today and receive a fresh dose of the Holy Ghost and smell the Hope that the Father’s been cooking!
Much Love always,
Barry C. Maracle