July 11, 2023

Your Victory is in Your Vision

Your Victory is in Your Vision
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WAKE UP INTO YOUR DREAM with Barry Maracle

On this week’s podcast, we jump into Revelation 4:8, going a little deeper into the importance of seeing, because your victory is in your vision. We will journey into the stories of David, St. John, to Zacheus, and Paul and see how what they saw significantly determined how they walked in this life.

If you can see it, you can have it! All you need is just one glimpse of His Glory and everything changes. During this episode, I release anointings for healing and deliverance. I know some of our listeners are facing hard times, and I declare that you are about to make a leap of elevation.

I am convinced that if you could just catch a glimpse of His Glory (John 1:14) on a regular basis, you would live a dominating victorious life!

Receive the anointing and a fresh word from the Lord, “Come up here and see the goodness of the Lord that I have been planning for you from before time began”. 


Much Love,

Barry C. Maracle


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