Aug. 26, 2022

God is Merciful

God is Merciful
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Walking in the Spirit with Carlos Rivera

Psalm 23:6 says, “Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life…” Mercy is the act of withholding a deserved punishment. Because of God’s mercy, we do not receive the punishment our sin warrants. Instead, His grace gives us a gift we did not earn — salvation and abundant life of purpose and blessings.  


Connect with Carlos Rivera

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Carlos M. Rivera Official YouTube Channel

New Life Outreach Church

Frontline Men

Carlos Rivera Bio


When Carlos had a radical encounter with Jesus Christ, his life changed dramatically. He immediately began serving and developing a passion for ministry. He served on the Board of Directors of New Life for Adults and Youth, the Board of Trustees for New Life Outreach International Church, the Director of Evangelism, and Worship Leader.

Carlos and his wife Rosalinda serve the body of Christ as Associate Pastors at New Life Outreach Church in Richmond, Virginia. They work side-by-side as Executive Directors of New Life for Adults and Youth, helping young men and women get free from substance abuse and other life-controlling problems.

The Rivera’s have been happily married since 1995 and have three children. Together with his family, Carlos ministers worldwide, including in Africa, Peru, Brazil, and the Dominican Republic. He also speaks at church conferences and is motivated to help inspire people to reach their God-given potential.

Pastor Carlos is passionate about inspiring and equipping a generation to get out of the four walls of the church and into our communities to win the lost for Christ.