Oct. 2, 2023

54. The Dissident Anointing

54. The Dissident Anointing
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What The Prophets Say with Emma Stark

Get ready to be equipped as a bold truthteller! Join Emma and Sam as they chat through Biblical stories to identify what it means to arise with courageous action and bold truth to save a nation. Dive deep into the dissident anointing, prayers to pray over yourself and why we need to avoid being spiritual communists. And as always, plenty of banter including a cracker of an intro all about cheese!

We’re building a home for our growing movement of prophetic warriors like you! Will you join us financially in creating a visionary resource centre in the heart of Glasgow? This centre will serve as a broadcast and recording facility, creating cutting edge content of truth and training to the world. Visit https://www.propheticscots.com/make-a-gift/support-new-building/ to donate today.

Want to learn how to kick out demons in your life and others? Visit https://www.enlivenmedia.org/demonbusting/ to buy Emma’s powerful new ecourse and become weaponized by heaven.