Jan. 15, 2024

68. Don’t Run From Reality

68. Don’t Run From Reality
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What The Prophets Say with Emma Stark

Is escapism really that dangerous? When it robs God of the ability to use you to build His kingdom, yes! Emma and Sam tackle escapism in our society and what the root causes are in this eye-opening episode. For God needs you to preach His gospel and take your place as a person of influence to build the kingdom of God today.

We’re building a home for our growing movement of prophetic warriors like you! Will you join us financially in creating a visionary resource centre in the heart of Glasgow? This centre will serve as a broadcast and recording facility, creating cutting edge content of truth and training to the world. Visit https://www.propheticscots.com/give to donate today.

Want to learn how to kick out demons in your life and others? Visit https://www.enlivenmedia.org/demonbusting/ to buy Emma’s powerful new ecourse and become weaponized by heaven.