Oct. 11, 2022

Blessing Your Prodigal, episode 81

Blessing Your Prodigal, episode 81
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When You Love a Prodigal

Let me tell you a story. As our son continued to live with us during his roller coaster early 20’s—sometimes making good choices, more often not, we set some clear boundaries. Summarizing: He needed to respect us and our home and our values, and be a contributing member of the family. After several months of not abiding by these boundaries, his father said he needed to find a job and a place to live.

So he moved in with a friend and slept on his couch. He found occasional work, but his friend grew tired of feeding him. So occasionally, when I was grocery shopping, I chose to bless him with some food—that I knew he would like—for the next week. He didn’t deserve it or earn it, but I chose to bless him. He was grateful.

 Our God loves to bless His children—such as you and me.


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