Sept. 12, 2023

Heather Holleman: Mindsets for Loving Conversations, episode 111

Heather Holleman: Mindsets for Loving Conversations, episode 111
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When You Love a Prodigal

How would you describe most of your conversations? Interesting? Boring? Too political? Gossipy?

And how would you describe recent conversations with your prodigal? Tense? Loud? Angry? Hurtful?

On today’s episode we talk with Heather Holleman, a Penn State professor, author of eight books and a conversation specialist. Today we had a great chat on “Loving Conversation” and the mindsets we need to help our ability with the people we are talking with. Next week we will talk about six kinds of loving conversations.

Here are a couple of Heather’s awesome books, and a link to a message she has given.

Heather’s Resources:

Judy’s Resources:

Stay connected: