March 1, 2022

Hope for the Heart with June Hunt (episode 52)

Hope for the Heart with June Hunt (episode 52)
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When You Love a Prodigal

Do you need a counselor? Someone to listen to your fears and frustrations, to understand what it feels like to struggle with a child, to not know what to do, to feel like a failure. Someone who can give wise, practical, workable input. To give you hope.

Then I’m glad you’re here. Today I am talking with June Hunt, founder and CSO (Chief Servant Officer) of HOPE FOR THE HEART. She is a counselor, teacher, author, and speaker, covering subjects ranging from Anger, Abuse and Addictions, to Apologetics, Parenting and Suicide.

June is founder and CSO (Chief Servant Officer) of HOPE FOR THE HEART. After years of teaching and research, June has developed 100+ topical Keys for Living. She’s a top-selling author with sales over 2 million books and is dedicated to presenting God’s Truth for Today’s Problems—confident that a changed mind produces a changed heart . . . and a changed heart produces a changed life.


  • We are giving away three of June’s books: How to Forgive When You Don’t Feel Like It, Bonding with Your Teen Through Boundaries, and The Answer to Anger. To be entered in the drawing to win one of these, click on give us your info and mention the June Hunt Drawing.
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  • Purchase a copy of the When You Love a Prodigal book for you or a loved one here:

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