Nov. 8, 2022

I Am the Door and I Am the Good Shepherd, episode 85

I Am the Door and I Am the Good Shepherd, episode 85
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When You Love a Prodigal

Our son Josh, the former prodigal, is a part-time farmer. For a while that included raising sheep. He had a sheep pasture and a sheep pen: overnight in the pen, days in the pasture. Because he and his wife both were away at day jobs, they acquired a guard dog.

The Anatolian Shepherd was bred as a livestock guard dog. The farm was in a wildlife area, and the dog did his job protecting the sheep from coyotes, bears, bobcats. But one day Josh returned home to find a dead ewe, killed by her protector. No one knows what happened,but the shepherd was surely not a good shepherd.

Jesus warns us that the enemy has sent thieves and robbers to steal his sheep. He is the “door” or “gate” to the sheep pen—the safe place. Our prodigals have been stolen, or tempted to leave, by the enemy of their souls, whose plan is to destroy them. But Jesus offers life—abundant life.

But Jesus says more: “I AM the good shepherd; the good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep.


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