May 23, 2023

Joy 3-Winning the War, episode 105

Joy 3-Winning the War, episode 105
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When You Love a Prodigal

I have a young grandgirl who is full of energy. She seems to be in endless motion, running from one activity to the next: trampoline, jungle gym, playing princess, pretending to shop, swimming, visiting the piglets, all with me in tow. Joy bubbles out of her.

When this Jeedoo (my grandmother name) gets tired and requires a pause, my grand girl is wise enough to grant it if she wants me to keep playing a few minutes more. But sometimes, if I—or her mom or dad—choose not to cooperate with her desired activity, she can become very unhappy. Happy face and all that joy disappear.

Most of us can be like that some of the time. Most of us want our own way. And when life is going our way, we are happy, even joyful. But when circumstances, or our prodigal, or God interferes with our way, our joy can disappear. We also have an enemy, who is enticing our prodigal, and loving to steal our joy.

Do you want to pray with others on June 2? Just gather some friends. Or join our zoom call at 1:30 pm ET. Link available soon.


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