May 11, 2021

The Voice of Gracet (episode 13)

The Voice of Gracet (episode 13)
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When You Love a Prodigal

One of the most important ways we extend grace to our prodigals is through our words. In Colossians 4:6 Paul reminds us: Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.     Words are powerful. They have the potential to inflame discord and inflict great emotional harm, or the capacity to encourage repentance and restoration, and offer healing and reconciliation.   To request prayer for someone on Worldwide Prodigal Prayer Day on June 2, or to join in praying with us, write to or fill out the form at the link below.   Resources:  • Join the Prayer for Prodigals community here. • Sign up for Judy’s monthly newsletter here. • Purchase a copy of the When You Love a Prodigal book for you or a loved one here.   Stay connected: • Website: • Facebook: • Instagram: • Twitter: • Youtube: