July 12, 2022

Treasures in the Wilderness 3: True Love Blesses, Not Curses, episode 71

Treasures in the Wilderness 3: True Love Blesses, Not Curses, episode 71
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When You Love a Prodigal

Love is more than a word. Love is a verb.

If you have been listening to these podcasts, you know our prodigal was a boy God sent to us at age 10. Knowing all the struggles he—and we–had, you might say that we truly loved this boy. We provided for his needs, encouraged his growth and development, introduced him to life-expanding people and opportunities, and spent time with him.

But he didn’t believe us.

What he had known in his early life was abandonment. The people who mattered to him had not been able to convince him that he mattered to them. He built a wall of protection around his heart. Our loving actions could not break through.



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