July 19, 2022

Treasures in the Wilderness 4: A Shepherd’s Delight, episode 72

Treasures in the Wilderness 4: A Shepherd’s Delight, episode 72
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When You Love a Prodigal

I have a painting of a sheep on a narrow mountain ledge, with a shepherd—in this case Jesus—reaching down to pull him to safety. This picture of Jesus rescuing the lost sheep is a perfect image for those of us who love a prodigal. Sometimes, too often, someone we love becomes that lost sheep, wandering on a precarious path.

We do our best to guide, protect and rescue, but we don’t always succeed. That’s when we turn in desperation to the Good Shepherd, to Jesus Himself.

Sheep wander. If one makes a turn, the others will follow. Even if it’s a wrong turn. A wrong turn in the wilderness can lead to disaster.

Remember: We are taking a break. There will be no new episodes July 26, August 2, August 9. All previous episodes are available. Listen to some you have missed. And take a minute to subscribe and write a review.




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