Our world is full of fear. Wars, earthquakes, terrorists, volcanoes, racial strife, hurricanes, fires, mass murders, floods, bombs, tornadoes, disease….did I just raise your fear level?
And when you love a prodigal, fears multiply: Is he safe? In jail? Overdosed? Will she survive? Why is she rejecting me? Will I ever get to meet my grandchildren? Where have I gone wrong?
Afraid. Fearful. Even terrified.
Today is our first episode of Fear Not, leading up to our June 2 Worldwide Prodigal Prayer Day. You will hear lots of help to face fears. And be sure to check out the Resources—lots more help for you
Do you have a loved one you want prayer for on the June 2 Prodigal Prayer Day? Write to us at PrayerforProdigals@gmail.com or go to the Prayer for Prodigals Facebook page. Give us the first name of a prodigal you want prayer for.
To learn how you can be a part of Prodigal Prayer Day, check out this link: https://judydouglass.com/prayerday
Judy’s Resources:
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