
Feb. 27, 2025

Don’t Lose Hope

If you are a Christian and are going through a difficult time, where there seems to be no way out, and you are feeling completely discouraged, there is hope for you. God knows what you are facing. He loves you and wants to he...
Feb. 20, 2025

Godly Jealousy vs. Demonic Envy

Envy is an intense emotion. If it's entertained in the mind, and ultimately yielded to, a demonic spirit will come in and influence a person to commit heinous acts. Envy and hatred are closely related. They carries a desire t...
Feb. 13, 2025

The Most Neglected Part Of The Body

There is a very small member in our body that boasts great things, yet it is an uncontrolled evil. Why is this small member so important, and why can it be considered evil? Man can tame every creature on the earth, but cannot...
Feb. 6, 2025

The Goodness and Severity of God

The purpose of this podcast is to help us understand why Christians must walk more in the fear of the Lord and obey God’s commands. Many people say they love God, but they don’t fear Him. To fear Him means you respect God eno...
Jan. 30, 2025

AI Advances In The End Times

God has given us a window of time with our new President and administration. However, technology continues to advance on a global scale with AI in the spotlight. There is an AI arms race between China and the U.S. and with ot...
Jan. 23, 2025

Who I Thougtht Of In Hell

During my 23 Minutes in Hell, the vision that God gave me, I only thought of three people. Each person was significant. This showed me that people retain their full memory in hell, just as the rich man in Luke 16 who Jesus to...
Jan. 16, 2025

Unforgiveness - A Deadly Poison

Have you ever said, “I can never forgive that person because of what they have done to me?” Many of us have. We’ve either uttered those words or held on to those thoughts. When we entertain those deadly thoughts, we forget ho...
Jan. 9, 2025

Confronted By Their Conscience

When we share the way of salvation with people who don't know Jesus, they often respond with, ‘You’re trying to shove your beliefs down my throat.’ No one is forcing a belief on anyone! Sharing the way of salvation with someo...
Jan. 2, 2025

Miracles Can Happen In This New Year

In this New Year we have an opportunity to pursue the Lord and to know Him on a deeper level. We can make a fresh commitment to be available to the Holy Spirit’s leading and to share the truth about salvation with more people...
Dec. 19, 2024

The Kingdom Of God

Why does the Bible say we are to seek the Kingdom of God? What does the Kingdom consist of? The Kingdom of God, also referred to as the Kingdom of Heaven, includes sharing the gospel (the good news)...about salvation through ...
Dec. 12, 2024

A Dangerous Way To Live

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. - Hosea 4:6 The Bible demonstrates that God’s people were living in rebellion against Him, and God said they will be destroyed because of it. The word “destroyed” carries the mea...
Dec. 5, 2024

Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Throughout our lives, we will all experience some kind of uncomfortable situation. Starting a new job, moving to a new neighborhood, or meeting new family members through marriage can all feel out of our comfort zone. I exper...
Nov. 21, 2024

Obtaining Favor

Most of us would like to have favor with God and with man. The question is, "How do we acquire it?" Some people teach that all you have to do is claim it . However, this is not the case. Jesus gave us an example of how we fin...
Nov. 14, 2024

What God Hates

We are very grateful that many Americans woke up to the world around us, which was clearly seen in our historic election last week. The Lord was merciful to us and to our nation. As Christians, we are called to walk in the fe...
Nov. 7, 2024

Hell: Torment or Consumption

It's hard to believe that there are Christians, and even Biblical scholars, who still insist that the fires of hell are neither painful, nor meant for eternal torment. They have decided for themselves that the fires are inten...
Oct. 31, 2024

The Spirit Of Destruction

Bill and Annette discuss a dream Bill experienced in 2001. This dream took place before Bill had written his book, 23 Minutes In Hell. They explain what the dream represented, the Spirit of destruction they witnessed, and why...
Oct. 24, 2024

Hell In The Book Of Revelation

The book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ gives us a detailed account of what to expect in the last days. It is the revelation of Jesus Christ’s second coming, and His wrath being executed upon earth’s inhabitants. It descri...
Oct. 17, 2024

Are You One Of The 32 Million?

A recent Barna pole shows that only 51% of all faith voters are likely to vote in November. That means 104 million faith voters are unlikely to vote this election —including 32 million regular Christian church attenders. How ...
Oct. 10, 2024

The Reason For Hell

Among many other reasons, the people who reject God’s ultimate sacrifice, Jesus Christ, deserve eternal punishment. Jesus suffered a torturous death in order to save us from an eternal hell. God allowed His own Son to endure ...
Oct. 3, 2024

Rescued From The Pit

Whenever we face trials and difficulties, the devil will make us feel as though all hope is gone. He will try to convince us that the darkness will never lift, and there is no way out of this mess. Don't entertain those negat...
Sept. 26, 2024

What Does The Bible Say About War?

Going to war should always be a nation’s last resort. If there is any other way, we must absolutely explore all possibilities before entering a battle. However, war sometimes comes to a nation unprovoked, and they are forced ...
Sept. 19, 2024

How Did Jesus Describe Hell?

There are three themes used by Jesus that describe hell in the New Testament. Punishment Destruction Banishment Punishment includes burning that shall not be quenched, torment and agony, extreme thirst, weeping and gnashing o...
Sept. 12, 2024

Revisiting The Rapture

A pre-tribulation view teaches that the Rapture of the church (both the dead and living saints) will occur before the seven-year tribulation period, or before the beginning of the 70th week of Daniel (verses 9:24–27). People ...
Sept. 5, 2024

Is Hell In The New Testament?

The word Hell is mentioned 23 times in the New Testament. The words hell, pit, sheol, and hades are mentioned 132 times in the Bible. Jesus spoke of hell and destruction 46 times. Other writers of the New Testament talked of ...