
March 28, 2024

Can A Person Lose Their Salvation?

If we believe a person cannot lost their salvation, then we must ask, "Do we lose our free will when we are saved?" If God will allow people to choose hell with their free will, why wouldn’t He allow us to depart from our sa…
March 22, 2024

Go And Sin No More

Jesus confronted people who were in sin and called their behavior what it was. He called it sin. When the woman was caught in adultery Jesus forgave her but He said, “Go and sin no more” (John 8:11). When He healed the man a…
March 14, 2024

God Didn't Take Your Loved One

Many people blame God, and turn away from Him when a loved one dies. They believe that God could have stopped it but He chose not to. Is God in control of everything no matter what happens?  Is God really behind all the hein…
March 5, 2024

Is The Devil Tormenting People In Hell?

People often ask us, "how can demons torment others when they themselves are in torment?“  In Matthew 8:29 the demon asked Jesus, "What have we to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God? Art thou come hither to torment us befo…
Feb. 29, 2024

The Battle For Your Soul

There is a battle going on right now for the part of you that will last for all eternity. That is, your soul and your spirit. Satan is your enemy. He will do whatever it takes to trick and deceive you and take you to hell, w…
Feb. 22, 2024

Does God Send His Own People To Hell?

We often hear comments like, “since God is loving, He would never allow His children to suffer in hell.” That's correct. His children, or His people,  are not suffering in hell. The people going to hell are also not his chil…
Feb. 15, 2024

What Is the Gospel?

The Gospel is mentioned ninety eight times in the Bible. But what exactly is the Gospel? The Gospel means good news! What is this good news? Mark 1:14-15 reads, “…Jesus came to Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of…
Feb. 8, 2024

The Son of Perdition

"Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that …
Feb. 1, 2024

Only A Fool Would Not Fear Hell

Psalms 14:1 says, “The fool hath said in his heart, 'There is no God.' They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.” I remember once talking to a couple whose home I was selling. They wer…
Jan. 25, 2024

Why Christians Don't Tell People About Jesus

The Great White Throne Judgment is where those who don’t know God will be judged and cast into the lake of fire and burning brimstone. Knowing that should terrify all of us, and motivate us to be more persuasive with men. Ye…
Jan. 18, 2024

How Can A Body Not Burn Up In Hell?

The Bible teaches that there is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body (1 Corinthians 15:44). The spirit body a person is given in hell has different limitations and endurance than the natural body. Similar to the bur…
Jan. 11, 2024

Signs In The Heavens

A total solar eclipse will occur on April 8th, 2024. Many believe this will be the most dramatic total solar eclipse in U.S. history. It is being called "the Great American Eclipse of 2024.” Typically, when God gives a sign …
Jan. 4, 2024

Wisdom For The New Year

At the start of a new year, people endeavor to set goals and make resolutions. Those are good things to do, but what is most important? Followers of Jesus Christ should know that spending time with God through Bible reading,…
Dec. 28, 2023

Where Is Your Faith?

Did you know the Bible says that faith is a requirement? For the Christian, learning to walk by faith is critical to growth and revelation. While living in these last days, we must especially understand how to develop and ex…
Dec. 21, 2023

The Birth Of Jesus

Jesus Christ, the King of King and Lord of Lords, Creator of the heavens and the earth, almighty God came to the earth in the most humble circumstances. Born in a cave with the animals, a vulnerable, innocent child, His bed …
Dec. 14, 2023

10 Biblical Ways To Stay Healthy

Did you know that the Bible provides specific instructions about how to avoid disease, and live a long life? There are at least 10 areas of our lives where we can make choices that will impact our health.  In this episode wi…
Dec. 7, 2023

Does The Earth Need Saving?

Do you believe that the planet needs to be saved, and that severe action must be taken immediately? Many people are convinced that the change in weather is due primarily to the population using what they refer to as destruct…
Nov. 30, 2023

Is It Too Late For You?

If you are putting off a decision to repent and receive Jesus Christ as your Savior, you are gambling with your eternal soul. You may think you have plenty of time to commit your life to Jesus Christ but your life could end …
Nov. 23, 2023

The Power of Giving Thanks

One of the best ways to show God we love Him is to be thankful. When we express our deep gratitude to Him, it actually invites His presence onto our lives. We hope today’s podcast will be an encouragement to us to develop a …
Nov. 16, 2023

Are People In Hell Now?

Some pastors teach that there is no one in hell right now. They believe that the people who die rejecting Jesus Christ as Savior will soul sleep until the Great White Throne Judgment Day. It will be at that time they will be…
Nov. 9, 2023

Dad’s Graduation To Heaven

In this special, personal episode, Annette shares about the recent loss of her father. She and Bill also give us insight into the grieving process, and how we view death as believers. We must remember that death is merely a …
Nov. 2, 2023

Is There A Council Of Gods?

Did God create a race of beings that are not angels, but are lessor gods to rule the earth? Is this group of lessor gods God’s counselors, and also part of His family? This belief in lessor gods is based on the scripture ver…