
Oct. 6, 2023

Psalm 103 Season 2: The Secret to Maturity

What is the secret to to developing true growth in your walk with God? In today's episode, Rabbi explains the ways in which God guides His children into maturity and fullness. Learn how to let your Father teach you!   Visit …
Oct. 5, 2023

Psalm 103 Season 1: Controlling Your Soul

Are you in control of your spirit? Do you know what it takes to walk in freedom from the frustrations of life? In today's episode, explore God's promises to you as revealed in Psalm 103, and learn how you can strengthen your…
Oct. 4, 2023

Psalm 103 Season 1: The Compassionate God

Fully understand God's love for you and become aware of His generous compassion! In today's episode, explore the depths and truths concerning these realities in your life, and gain the insight you need to walk in greater fre…
Oct. 3, 2023

Psalm 103 Season 1: Do You Need an Attitude Realignment?

Do you find it hard to be happy? Is it difficult for you to cultivate gratitude and thankfulness in life? In today's episode find the encouragement you need to change your outlook on life. Discover how changing your perspect…
Oct. 2, 2023

Trumpets, Atonement, and Tabernacles: How the Feast of Tabernacles Affects You

The Feast of Tabernacles Begins at sunset on September 29, 2023 Ends at nightfall on October 6, 2023 There are many blessings that believers can receive from the Lord during the Fall Holy Days. Join Rabbi in today's episode …
Sept. 30, 2023

The Lord Provides for All Our Needs.

The Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) Begins at sunset on September 29 Ends at nightfall on October 6.
Sept. 29, 2023

Trumpets, Atonement, and Tabernacles: Can You Trust God to Provide for You?

The Feast of Tabernacles Begins at sunset on September 29, 2023 Ends at nightfall on October 6, 2023 The Feast of Tabernacles concludes the Fall Holy Days on God's calendar. In this special episode, Rabbi Schneider takes you…
Sept. 28, 2023

The Aaronic Blessing and You: The Power of the Aaronic Blessing

What is the Aaronic Blessing? What does it mean, and how does it apply to your life? Join Rabbi Schneider as he examines this special blessing verse by verse in the original Hebrew. Receive the power of God’s blessing for yo…
Sept. 27, 2023

Keys to Answered Prayer: A Prayer for Limitless Power

Rabbi wraps up this series by encouraging us to seek God for a revelation of power and knowledge; knowing that we can relate to Him as our Father and that we can pray to be filled with His love for us.   Visit our website at…
Sept. 26, 2023

Keys to Answered Prayer: Full With His Presence

Oftentimes, we as believers find ourselves praying for material blessings for satisfaction in this life. However, Rabbi encourages us to step beyond the material world and pray for the heart of God and the power that comes w…
Sept. 25, 2023

Keys to Answered Prayer: What to Truly Pray for

Prayer is the vehicle by which we as believers make our requests known to God. However, we often find ourselves asking for the wrong things or believing that we must repetitively act in religious posturing in order for God t…
Sept. 23, 2023

Have You Accepted God’s Mercy?

The Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) Begins at sunset on September 24 Ends at nightfall on September 25
Sept. 22, 2023

Trumpets, Atonement, and Tabernacles: Overcome Sin

Join Rabbi to learn about the most holy day on God's sacred calendar called Yom Kippur (The Day of Atonement).  Understand how detrimental sin is and God's answer to how you can be delivered from it today!   Visit our websit…
Sept. 21, 2023

God’s Nature Revealed: God’s Personality Throughout the Bible

Many people see the God of the Hebrew Bible as different than the God we see revealed through Jesus. But is this Biblically accurate? Join Rabbi Schneider as he shows how the Old and New Testaments work together to reveal Go…
Sept. 20, 2023

Don’t Waste Your Wilderness: It’s Only a Season

What will help you through your wilderness? Rabbi Schneider shares that the way God led the Israelites, He will also lead you and I today. Don't waste your wilderness by taking things into your own hands. Don't run from your…
Sept. 19, 2023

Don’t Waste Your Wilderness: It’s Necessary

What does our attitude have to do with our problems? Rabbi Schneider shares the principles of going through difficulties while we learn to thank God for teaching, shaping, and preparing us for His lifelong blessings. Learn h…
Sept. 18, 2023

Don’t Waste Your Wilderness: Introduction

Why do we have to walk through the wilderness? If God loves us, why such hardship? Rabbi Scheider shares in this episode of Discovering the Jewish Jesus that before God brings us into the fullness of our inheritance and all …
Sept. 16, 2023

Jesus is Coming Back!

The Feast of Trumpets Begins at sunset on September 15 Ends at nightfall on September 17
Sept. 15, 2023

Trumpets, Atonement, and Tabernacles: The Great Reminder

The Feast of Trumpets is established in Leviticus 23, when God told Moses that the people of Israel should have "a rest, a reminder by blowing of trumpets." But what is the blowing of the trumpets meant to remind the Israeli…
Sept. 14, 2023

Authentic Prayer: Cleansing From Within

Our souls long to connect with God in our innermost being. In this last episode of Authentic Prayer, Rabbi shares why asking for cleansing is one of the most pleasing prayers to God as we examine ourselves and journey to pre…
Sept. 13, 2023

Authentic Prayer: You Can Be Satisfied

Unsatisfied? You aren’t alone! In this episode Rabbi shows us the reasons for prayer and how desiring the things of God and humbly presenting our prayers to God can satisfy us. Visit our website at DiscoveringTheJewishJesus.…
Sept. 12, 2023

Authentic Prayer: Entering Into Authentic Prayer

Not sure how to reach God's heart? Prayer at its core is an honest internal confession before the Father. As Rabbi continues the series, learn how to be cleansed through prayer and unlock the true authenticity that pleases G…
Sept. 11, 2023

Authentic Prayer: Foundations of Prayer

Feeling unworthy? Does it seem like God is not hearing your prayers? In this episode, Rabbi teaches us how to meet God right where we are at.  Learn how to transform your prayer life.   Visit our website at DiscoveringTheJew…
Sept. 9, 2023

He Will Be With You Tomorrow

"So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." – Matthew 6:34