
Dec. 9, 2020

Family Matters: A Chat With Ron Hutchcraft

Evangelist, author, speaker and radio host Ron Hutchcraft has learned about loss in the most personal of ways. He shares with host Marti Pieper how to find "Hope When Your Heart Is Breaking," which is also the title of his b…
Dec. 9, 2020

IFCJ Sets Record in Serving Needy in Israel

In 2020, the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews is celebrating an amazing accomplishment. The IFCJ helped 2 million needy people in Israel. In this episode with host John Matarazzo, find out about this humanitar…
Dec. 8, 2020

Fire Burns Church That Houses New York Liberty Bell

In the wee hours of Dec. 5, 2020, a fire raged against one of the longest-standing churches in the U.S., burning down the bell tower and shattering the stained-glass windows. Hear the details of this tragic event with host N…
Dec. 8, 2020

Star of Bethlehem to Rise Again

The “star of Bethlehem” or “Christmas star” has long been held as an important part of history in the greatest story ever told. For the first time since the Middle Ages, the star is set to rise again. Join host Nadia Joy Sch…
Dec. 8, 2020

Dr. Dobson Calls for Prayer for Georgia Runoff

Both U.S. Senate seats are up for grabs in the Jan. 5 Georgia runoff election. The Senate majority is also at stake. Family advocate Dr. James Dobson is challenging Christians to fervently pray for the outcome of the special…
Dec. 7, 2020

Barna Study Shows COVID Spike Could Impact Christmas Church Attendance

With COVID-19 numbers on the rise again, pastors are contemplating the best approach to services during the Christmas season. Hear more about how the coronavirus could impact attendance in this episode with host Nadia Joy Sc…
Dec. 7, 2020

COVID Lockdowns Lead to Rising Suicide Rates

Suicide rates have risen in nations around the world during the COVID-19 pandemic. Mental health experts are also concerned over media hype about the coronavirus. Learn more about what countries and age groups are affected i…
Dec. 7, 2020

Police Fine Canadian Churches for Drive-in Services

Police are attempting to shut down drive-in services at churches in the Canadian province of Manitoba. In this episode with host Nadia Joy Schult, find out how they are seeking to enforce these restrictions during the COVID-…
Dec. 4, 2020

Impromptu Family Food Drive Brings Hope and Cheer in Christmas Season

It’s no secret the COVID-19 pandemic has seriously impacted many families. Find out in this episode with Nadia Joy Schult how one Utah family decided to use their popular YouTube page to encourage and bless their community. …
Dec. 4, 2020

Dutch Sheets Leads Operation Valkyrie in Wake of Contested US Election

Prophet Dutch Sheets desires to see America return to its godly heritage. In light of that, he is activating believers to wake up and intercede for the nation as never before. "Operation Valkyrie" is part of that effort. In …
Dec. 3, 2020

Christian Artists Light Up National Christmas Tree Ceremony

The National Christmas Tree is not the only thing that will shine bright this year. Find out from host Nadia Joy Schult which noteworthy performers and special guests are gracing the Washington, D.C., stage during the tree-l…
Dec. 3, 2020

Cybersecurity Expert Exposes US Election Fraud in Multiple States

Cybersecurity expert and retired U.S. Army Col. Philip Waldron testified to the Pennsylvania and Arizona legislatures about significant issues with voting machines that are vulnerable to corruption. Find out what his recomme…
Dec. 2, 2020

Conservative Candace Owens Shares Why Joe Biden Is Not President-Elect

In a Facebook Live video, conservative activist Candace Owens provides answers as to why the mainstream media has assumed they can declare Joe Biden president-elect. Join host Nadia Joy Schult for this episode as she highlig…
Dec. 2, 2020

Newsmax Anchor Asks for Prayer for CNN Reporter's Sick Child

A Newsmax TV anchor recently asked for prayer for a reporter’s daughter from rival network CNN. In this episode, host John Matarazzo shares what motivated Newsmax anchor Greg Kelly to close his show one night with this speci…
Dec. 1, 2020

Grow a Beard for World Missions

Who would have thought that growing a beard could lead to funding gospel outreach around the world? In this episode, host John Matarazzo shares the "Year Beard" campaign, a creative approach to fundraising introduced by The …
Nov. 30, 2020

Muslim Extremist Violence Spreads in Africa

More than 1,200 Nigerian Christians have been slaughtered by radical Islamic groups such as Boko Haram in the first six months of 2020. That's more than were reportedly killed in all of 2019. In this episode with host Nadia …
Nov. 27, 2020

Trump Judge Says Planned Parenthood Can Be Defunded

The pro-life movement is celebrating a big win. The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that Medicaid funds can be cut from Planned Parenthood. Find out which states are affected by this decision in this episode with ho…
Nov. 25, 2020

Chinese Communist Party Threatens Churches With Closure

The Chinese Communist Party is threatening churches with closure if they do not worship the party instead of God. Find out more in this episode with host John Matarazzo, and pray for the believers in China who often face per…
Nov. 24, 2020

Spiritual Battle Over US Election Continues

Trusted prophetic voices declared that President Donald Trump would win a second term. Now, many are asking if these prophets got it wrong. Prophetic leader Dutch Sheets is taking another approach and calling on Christians t…
Nov. 23, 2020

Eyewitness Says Election Software Could Change Votes

President Trump’s legal team continues to gather evidence that they say will change the outcome of November's presidential election. In one case, an eyewitness offers firsthand knowledge of how the Smartmatic election softwa…
Nov. 20, 2020

Pro-Life Advocates Sue Washington Over Free Speech

Pro-life advocates painted the message “Black Pre-Born Lives Matter” on a Washington, D.C., street. Now this free speech exercise is the subject of a lawsuit the Alliance Defending Freedom has filed in the case “The Frederic…
Nov. 19, 2020

Pastor John MacArthur Cleared of COVID Outbreak Accusation

Pastor John MacArthur and Grace Community Church got some great news from the Department of Public Health in Los Angeles County. MacArthur's California church has been cleared of the COVID-19 outbreak after a thorough invest…
Nov. 18, 2020

Hundreds of Dead People Reportedly Request Mail-In Ballots in Pennsylvania

More than 1,600 dead people in Pennsylvania requested mail-in ballots for the election, according to Liberty Counsel. Learn more about this potential voting fraud in this episode with host Nadia Joy Schult.
Nov. 18, 2020

Israel Demands Apology From CNN Anchor

CNN International Anchor, Christiane Amanpour, commented recently made a comparison that has brought criticism and demands from Israel for a public apology. Find out more in this episode with host John Matarazzo.