
Jan. 10, 2020

God Calls His People "His Beloved" (Ep. 2)

You are just as beloved of the Father as Jesus, the firstborn Son, if you’ve surrendered your life to Him. Hard to believe? One prayer Jesus prayed proves it. When you realize the perfect love that God has toward you, it cast...
Jan. 7, 2020

You Are "The Apple of God's Eye" (Ep. 1)

God calls His people THE APPLE OF HIS EYE. Contrary to popular belief, this name for believers has nothing to do with the fruit, the apple. It concerns the center of the eye - but how does that represent God’s great love for ...
Nov. 22, 2019


Discover the names and titles God has given His people in the Bible. These reveal of our true spiritual identity, who we are in Christ. Once we understand the deeper meaning of these names and titles, we can boldly walk in ou...