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God is good
Her words are blessing to my ear!

Absolutely love this Podcast by Rosalinda Rivera
I love listening to this podcast by Rosalinda, her messages are so encouraging and up lifting. I love to hear the testimonies of other special guests on her podcast. 🥰

Fueling my faith with Holy Ghost Fire!
I see revival rising up! Preach it Pastor Rosa!

I love this podcast
Such an inspirational podcast that has spoken so many great godly things. It applies to our everyday living. I enjoy listening to it each and everyday.

Amazing Podcast
I love listening to Rosalinda’s podcast. It touches my heart in so many ways and speaks to my life.

Wonderful women! Love all she has to say! Praise god

So encouraging! Thank you for your words of wisdom!

Such an amazing inspiring broadcast. Rosalinda is such aAnointed woman of God.Each and every broadcast has touch my life in some way.

Great place
Always kind and polite and very helpful

This show is amazing and it blessed me and my whole family thank you so much

Thankful for the ministry and the blessing of your series!!! Keep on sharing! We are living in a hurting world! Thank you Pastor Rosa!

She is amazing
Thank you so much for sharing this with everyone!!!!! Blessed

Blessed by this!!
Rosalinda is amazing! This podcast most definitely will bless you greatly!

So good!
Rosalinda is so fun and down to earth! So thankful for her wisdom!

Such a Blessing!
Each podcast is such a blessing! Rosalinda is truly a spiritual, godly woman. Her guest are relatable and really make you want to draw closer to God. I know you will be blessed as I have been by tuning in!

I Am Thankful for My Pastor’s Persistence and Resilience For her trust in God her biblical teachings fo her love for her and for her love to the ministry! Thank you !!!!

“Great podcast”
Wonderful woman of God !

Incredible Podacst
This podcast has been so enlightening and encouraging. Every episode brings a different and fresh perspective on a prevalent topic that leaves you feeling excited for all that God is doing in different parts of the world and other ministries. This podcast is upbeat, uplifting, and very diverse in many ways. I highly encourage you to give this a listen, you will not be disappointed.

Grateful for Rosalinda’s knowledge
This podcast will surely bless you. I’m thankful to know and work with Rosalinda. She is the real deal!

Notifications Usually Annoy Me, But...
I actually look forward to the banner popping up that tells me Charisma has put up another podcast from Rosalinda. She and her guests are inspiring, but they’re real. They’re powerful and motivating, and they’re also relatable. I listen and think, “See? She gets it.” Plus the lady loves Jesus and people and she is funny as all get out!

So, so, good!
I can’t say enough about how excited I am for this podcast. I’ve read Rosalinda’s books they have ministered to me so deeply. She’s also tremendously fun and funny! Love how she makes the word of God, practical, essential, and joyful in every day life.