
March 12, 2020

How the Coronavirus Could Keep Trump From Winning in 2020 (Ep. 30)

How has the coronavirus impacted the economy that could hurt Trump in the election? Listen as Stephen Strang explains this virus is being used by media and the democrats to instill fear and panic that lead to uncertainty in t...
March 11, 2020

Is Donald Trump Foreshadowed in the Bible? (Ep. 29)

Listen as host Stephen Strang gives examples of how ancient figures in the Bible foreshadow leaders of today. He explains many see Trump as a Cyrus of our time.
March 10, 2020

Consider These Key Issues During Primary Season (Ep. 28)

Listen as host Stephen Strang reminds voters of key issues to consider, as on March 10, six more states gear up for their primaries, and another four states are on tap for March 17.
March 4, 2020

Why 10,000 Americans Rallied for Trump In Charlotte, North Carolina (Ep. 27)

More than 10,000 people cheered for Trump at a political rally in Charlotte, North Carolina, on Monday, March 2, 2020, on the eve of Super Tuesday. Benjamin McGuire attended the event and tells host Stephen Strang it was an i...
March 2, 2020

Spiritual Adviser to President Believes Many Hispanics Will Vote for Trump (Ep. 26)

Historically, the Hispanic vote has been more aligned with the Democratic Party than the Republican Party. Pastor Ramiro Peña, who leads Christ the King Baptist Church in Waco, Texas, and serves as one of President Donald Tru...
Feb. 19, 2020

Key Election Issues Christians Should Be Aware of in 2020 (Ep. 25)

Voters in 11 states are gearing up for Super Tuesday, and millions are already looking ahead to Nov. 3. So what are the issues that will bring out conservative, Christian voters? Listen as host Stephen Strang shares his thoug...
Feb. 14, 2020

Spiritual Implication of Donald Trump Winning the 2020 Election (Ep. 24)

Listen as host Stephen Strang discusses on the Greenlines podcast show with Dr. Steve Greene the spiritual perspective and heavenly signs that show God is behind President Donald Trump from his new book "G od, Trump, and the ...
Feb. 13, 2020

Larry Tomczak Says It Is Important to Stay the Course Supporting the President

Larry Tomczak, host of Here's the Deal podcast show, talks about how amongst all the negative our country has gone through there is joy that comes in the morning. Listen as Larry talks about the good President Donald Trump is...
Feb. 10, 2020

Survey Says New Hampshire Democrats Would Rather a Meteorite Extinguish Life Than Trump Win Re-Election (Ep. 22)

Listen to hear how New Hampshire Democrats surveyed would go as far as wishing a meteorite would wipe out all humanity than have Donald Trump re-elected as president of the United States. Host Stephen Strang explains this is ...
Feb. 6, 2020

Why Christians Are Rejoicing Over Trump's Acquittal in the Impeachment Trial (Ep. 21)

Donald Trump has been found not guilty, as we knew he would be. Listen as host Stephen Strang shares his thoughts on the impeachment and what others are saying. Trump may be acquitted but this does not mean he has won the ele...
Feb. 5, 2020

State of the Union Address Proves Christians Need to Reelect Donald Trump (Ep. 20)

Last night, Donald Trump hit it out of the park in his State of the Union address, where he listed the incredible accomplishments he has made in his first three years in office in spite of the fact the Democrats have opposed ...
Feb. 4, 2020

Listen How the Impeachment Is a Political Abortion with Frank Amedia (Ep. 19)

A movement has been born where God's people are emboldened to stand for life in America. Beware, there is a devouring spirit that will not stop to destroy the Christian values of our nation. Frank Amedia shares he still belie...
Jan. 31, 2020

Mike Bickle Explains How God Is Using President Trump for His Spiritual Purposes in This Hour (Ep. 18)

The director of the International House of Prayer says not only did he raise up Trump as a defender of Christian values and religious freedom, but he also used Paula White Cain to influence Trump for the good.
Jan. 30, 2020

Why Angel Belcher's Life Changed When She Served Her Community and Was Honored by President Trump (Ep. 17)

Angel Belcher was honored by President Donald Trump due to her servant's heart to serve God and her community. After Hurricane Michael hit South Florida, Angel used her own resources to help feed the victims who lost everythi...
Jan. 23, 2020

Doug Wead Tells the Truth Behind the Impeachment Trial (Ep. 16)

Listen as Christian political insider Doug Wead says what this really is should be called "impeachment lite." He breaks down the articles of impeachment and how it is motivated out of hatred of this president and a desire to ...
Jan. 22, 2020

Why This Christian Political Insider Is Telling the True Story of Donald Trump (Ep. 15)

Listen as Christian political insider Doug Wead speaks the truth about Trump in his new book, Inside Trump's White House. Learn how a conversation with Ivanka Trump after Wead's appearance on BBC led to the writing of the boo...
Jan. 21, 2020

Who Donald Trump Really Is in His Own Words (Ep. 14)

Listen as host Stephen Strang talks about why Donald J. Trump may be the most covered president in history. Steve addresses what Trump has said about the issues that will affect your life, the nation, and the world.
Jan. 20, 2020

Why Black Americans Are Speaking Up for Trump on MLK Day (Ep. 13)

Today, we celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Stephen Strang recently spoke to his niece, evangelist Alveda King, who not only is executive director of Civil Rights for the Unborn but is also the foun...
Jan. 17, 2020

Stephen Strang Explains Spiritual Warfare Surrounding Trump on 'Fox & Friends' (Ep. 12)

The same day Stephen Strang appeared on "Fox & Friends," Donald Trump signed an executive order protecting prayer in public schools. Listen as Strang explains to "Fox & Friends" host Steve Doocy why Christians need to view Tr...
Jan. 15, 2020

Why the Church Must Rally Around Trump in 2020? (Ep. 11)

The answer to this question rests in our country's Judeo-Christian foundation. Listen as Stephen Strang shares from his book "God, Trump and the 2020 Election" and discusses with TCT's host Tom Nolan the impact President Trum...
Jan. 14, 2020

Why You Should Read "God, Trump and the 2020 Election" (Ep. 10)

Kenneth Copeland, Paula White Cain, Dennis Prager and others have read and written endorsements for the book "God, Trump and the 2020 Election," written by host Stephen Strang. Listen as Steve shares the words from others on ...
Jan. 13, 2020

Why We Can No Longer Afford to Ignore Our Nation's Spiritual Warfare (Ep. 9)

Listen as host Stephen Strang speaks with Gordon Robertson co-host of "The 700 Club" about the spiritual battles playing out in our country, our culture and even this upcoming election. They discuss Rev. Patrick Conroy, chapl...
Jan. 9, 2020

A Holy Challenge for a Secular Time (Ep. 8)

Listen to learn what compromise in the church could mean for this year's presidential election.
Jan. 8, 2020

What Is Donald Trump Really Like? (Ep. 7)

Those who know Donald Trump personally say that behind the persona portrayed in the media is a genuinely nice man who cares about people and who generates fierce loyalty from others as a result. Host Stephen Strang shares his...