Her God Story with Jodie Chiricosta


Sept. 2, 2024

Praise Set Me Free, Patricia Hefti's Story

Worship transforms us. In our darkest moments, praise invites God to cause breakthroughs in our lives. Patricia Hefti struggled with depression but she discovered that praising God, even when things seemed bleak, can bring…
Aug. 19, 2024

Hungry to Know God, Brooke Martin’s Story

What do we do when we experience unexpected hardships? News Anchor, Brooke Martin ran to Jesus in the midst of hers. In Brooke’s deeply personal story, she reveals how early beliefs were tested by unexpected hardships and ul…
Aug. 5, 2024

Finding Hope After Heartbreak, Laura Husband’s Story

We all go through times of joy, blessing, and peace, as well as times of challenge, sorrow, and even tragedy. It's crucial to turn to Jesus in the midst of it all. Laura Husband has experienced both joy and sorrow. When she …
July 22, 2024

Draw Near To God, Rebecca Chavez’s Story

Sometimes our hearts feel faint and our spirits, though willing, feel weak. We want to follow the Lord, but we can't seem to find the strength. The answer is always in drawing near to God. Rebecca Chavez followed God’s lead …
July 8, 2024

Trust God’s Purpose For Your Life, Ellie Anderson’s Story

Life rarely goes as planned. How do we handle shattered dreams and unfulfilled expectations? How do we face each new season of life without fear? Ellie Anderson's life took a different direction than she had dreamed. Along h…
June 24, 2024

God Knows Your Name, Linda Znachko’s Story

God deeply values you! Even before you were born, He set you apart for His divine plan. You CAN make a difference. Linda Znachko has received a unique revelation of these truths and a special mission from God. Join Linda and…
June 10, 2024

Released to Hope Again, Sheryl Giesbrecht Turner’s Story

Unhealed trauma can wreck our lives. But God sets us free! Sheryl Giesbrecht Turner has experienced them both. All of us face trials and challenges on our journey through life. Sheryl’s journey led from addiction and despair…
June 3, 2024

You Are Set Apart By God, Jo White's Story

God created each of us for His divine purpose! He transforms each of us in remarkable ways to fulfill His calling. Joanne White's own experience attests to this reality. A divine encounter with God led Jo to realize the abun…
May 13, 2024

Exchange Satan’s Lies for God’s Truth, Christianne Debysingh's Story

Embrace the liberating power of truth! Christianne Debysingh once sought to chart her own path, only to find herself trapped by the weight of past traumas. It wasn't until she surrendered to God that she discovered her true …
April 29, 2024

Do you trust God's plan for your life? Lidiette Rosa's Story

Do You Rely On God For Direction? Lidiette Rosas shares her journey of uncovering her God-given purpose. Despite facing health hurdles and battling anxiety, she pressed through and embraced what God has for her. In the proce…
April 15, 2024

Transformed by the Power of God’s Word! Kathy Pollak’s Story

Discovering God’s love has the power to transform your life! Kathy Pollack is a living testimony to this truth. Encountering God’s unconditional love inspired her to become a vessel of that love to others. From serving throu…
April 1, 2024

Jesus Gives Us Empowerment, The Women's Story

What do you need? Comfort? Wisdom? Healing? Deliverance? Jesus can meet that need and then give you purpose too! He does not stop there, He’ll also empower you for it. The women who walked with Jesus experienced it all. Like…
March 25, 2024

Jesus Is Our Freedom, Tangie Callahan’s Story

Sometimes life is hard. When Tangie Callahan experienced difficult circumstances, she turned to food, rather than turning to God. She spent many years feeling like she was living a fake life. Even though she preached about f…
March 11, 2024

God Created You With A Purpose, Becky Watt’s Story

Do you know your purpose? God created you with one! ! Becky Watt found her purpose over three decades ago and has been part of a group committed to reaching an unreached people group with the gospel ever since. Listen as Bec…
March 4, 2024

Be Strong and Courageous, Bunni Pounds' Story

Sometimes God takes us to unexpected places. Desiring to serve God, Bunni Pounds thought she would be a foreign missionary. But He had other plans, leading her into the political arena. Tune in as Bunni and host Jodie Chiric…
Feb. 26, 2024

Former Addict Now Free, Alison Hill's Story

God’s love pursues us! Alison Hill experienced the hound of heaven pursuing her and finally realized the love and freedom that comes from complete surrender to Jesus, the lover of our souls. Once addicted to drugs, she went …
Feb. 19, 2024

Don't Lose Hope, Michele Little's Story

There’s hope in Jesus! Sometimes believers experience traumatic things. The devil ceases on tragedy and tries to use them to destroy us. But Jesus came to restore us and give us a rich and satisfying life. Michele Little ha…
Feb. 12, 2024

A Perfect Match: Our Heavenly Love Story

You are loved! And it is not an ordinary kind of love. You are loved, by Love incarnate! It is hard to comprehend a love like God’s. It is so much better than any love we will ever encounter from anyone else. As part of …
Feb. 8, 2024

God’s Gift of Grace, Joyce Kahleh's Story

Raised in a Muslim home , Joyce Kahleh believed there was a God, but did not know about His love. She lived under a weight of condemnation that was hard to bear. One encounter with Jesus changed all that! She learned that it…
Feb. 5, 2024

Walking in Faith, Diana Homsi's Story

Fear or faith? Diana Homsi has had plenty to fear. She has lived through war, cancer, heartache and more. But she has learned to put her trust in God, who has brought her through many trials. Listen as Diana and host Jodie…
Jan. 29, 2024

Accepted by God, Kathy Alex's Story

From childhood Kathy Alex felt abandoned, unloved . But God had a different story for her. As she walked with Him, God affirmed her a heavenly identity, a daughter of the Most High God! When Kathy was again abandoned as an a…
Jan. 15, 2024

God Still Has A Plan For You, Angela Haydel's Story

Divorce is not the end. Our mistakes do not extinguish God’s love for us or derail His plans. Even though Angela Haydel grew up loving God, she still looked to others for approval. As a result of her choices she experienced …
Jan. 8, 2024

Mom's It’s Time to Gather and Pray!

Mamas, you have a voice! In this time of societal decay, we can rise up like Esther and save not only a generation, but a nation. Just like Esther was appointed by God, we too are appointed “for such a time as this.” Join La…
Jan. 1, 2024

Embrace Your New Season, Ruth’s Story

A new season is here! Embracing new seasons involves more than just wishing for change. We must actively step onto that new path and make deliberate choices aligned with faith and purpose. Be inspired by the story of Ruth. Y…