Her God Story with Jodie Chiricosta


June 19, 2023

I Needed Perfect Love To Cast Out Fear, Sandra Tracy's Story

The struggle between faith and fear is real! Even mature believers face challenges that test their trust in God. When Sandra Tracy’s only child had a near fatal health crisis, it stretched her to the breaking point. But as s…
June 12, 2023

God Won't Let You Down, Laura Allred's Story, cont.

Have you been disappointed in life? Do you wonder if God has your best interest at heart? Laura Allred can relate. After several crushing disappointments, she withdrew – for a season. But she missed God’s presence! So, she t…
June 5, 2023

God has a Great Adventure for You, Laura Allred's Story

Just say yes! When Laura Allred committed to say yes to God's invitations, He opened amazing doors for her. As she learned to hear His voice, she discovered that a simple act of obedience can change your life. God took her t…
May 29, 2023

Where Do You Find Your Worth? Stacy McDonald 's Story

Is it okay for Christians to struggle? As a teen, Stacey McDonald experienced the pain of trying to portray perfection, even when things were not. God showed her that there is power and freedom in transparency. God gave her …
May 22, 2023

God Saved My Place As I Was Mom, Nadine Naisbitt's Story

What if? A NASA scientist and Mom, Nadine Naisbitt was trained to think of all the “what if” scenarios that could go wrong in space. That thinking bled into her personal life. Living in fear of the “what ifs'' kept her from …
May 16, 2023

Delight Yourself in God, Jan Tennyson’s Story, cont.

Divine appointments happen! When we delight in God and dream with Him, He opens amazing doors! As Jan Tennyson has stepped out in faith to minister God’s love to hurting children, God has given her creativity and favor. She …
May 8, 2023

God Delights in You, Jan Tennyson’s Story

God actually delights in every detail of our lives . He plants desires in us and He fulfills them at just the right time. Jan Tennyson has seen that truth active in her life in remarkable ways. Listen as Jan and host, Jodie …
May 1, 2023

Be A Part of God's Big Plan!

You are a part of God’s big plan! He has a purpose and destiny for you. God will guide you into that purpose if you walk with Him. He will redeem your mistakes, and equip you for your destiny. Listen as Jodie Chiricosta shar…
April 24, 2023

I Learned To Stand On God's Word, Laura Mineau's Story (cont.)

Do you crumble when you face trials? In the midst of her trial, Lura Mineau stood on God’s Word and experienced its power. Throughout her life, she has said “yes” to God and He opened doors of ministry. Listen to Lura and ho…
April 17, 2023

You Can Trust God, Lura Mineau’s Story

“If I never open this door, I never have to face the truth ,” Lura Mineau thought when tragedy struck. Fear had controlled Lura’s life, but God showed her that He is trustworthy in every situation. Listen to Lura and host, J…
April 10, 2023

God’s Plan “B”, Rhoda Bowman’s Story

Expectations. Even good ones,when unfulfilled, can steal our joy, harm relationships and skew our view of God. Rhoda Bowman’s relationships did not go the way she expected. Saved at a young age, she did not fully understand …
April 3, 2023

Has God Asked You To Step Out? Belinda Thacker’s Story

It’s time to step out! Has God been asking you to do something? Belinda Thacker had a Word from the Lord that she would be invited to travel internationally this year. After seeking Him and turning down an intriguing invitat…
March 27, 2023

God Renewed My Love When I Forgave, Darlene Davis’ Story

Being hurt is part of life. Staying hurt is a choice; so is forgiveness. Darlene Davis has suffered hurt and disappointment in her life; from her father, from other Christians, in her marriage. But as she took each one to Go…
March 20, 2023

God Showed Me The Value Of A Smile, Ashley Stringer's Story

You have value! No matter what you have been through, or what others say about you… God made you for a purpose. Through facing severe bullying, chronic illness, and other difficulties, Ashley Stringer has cultivated an intim…
March 13, 2023

God Gives You What You Need, Mary Nelson's Story (cont.)

God invites us to partner with Him. And He gives us all we need as we respond! As Mary Nelson has made herself available to God, she has seen Him transform communities through prayer. Listen to Mary and host, Jodie Chiricost…
March 6, 2023

There is Authority in the Name of Jesus, Mary Nelson's Story

Christ’s power has defeated the works of satan. As a young Air Force wife, Mary Nelson had many worries in her life. But she learned to go to the Lord and He answered prayers that were prayed in faith and aligned with His wi…
Feb. 27, 2023

Pray God’s Word, Emily Zavala's Story

Prayer is powerful and effective. The Lord has taught Emily Zavala how to pray and intercede for breakthrough… and she has seen the results! From praying for family members, to national and global events, Emily has partnered…
Feb. 20, 2023

You Keep Your Eyes on Jesus, Stacy Blackstone's Story

What are you doing Lord? Sometimes we just don’t understand what God is doing in our lives, or why! Stacy Blackstone has experienced that a few times. In those times, and all times, she has learned to keep her eyes on Jesus!…
Feb. 13, 2023

Do It Afraid, God Will Equip You! Melinda Torrison's Story

What tests your faith? Melinda Torrison has learned to follow God’s leading, no matter what comes her way. She has learned to “do it afraid.” And she has seen God do amazing things. Melinda never desired to become a leader, …
Feb. 6, 2023

God Doesn’t Waste Anything! Bobbi Case's Story

Nothing is ever wasted in God’s economy. When He’s in the story, it is always to bring about good for us. Through years of betrayal and a divorce, Bobbi Case learned that God would never leave her. He, in fact, sheltered her…
Jan. 30, 2023

Being Present is Powerful! Vickie Guillory's Story

Be present! Vickie Guillory has learned the power of that simple act. And God has used her to minister peace, hope, comfort and more to friends and strangers alike - because she has made herself available. Listen as Vickie a…
Jan. 23, 2023

Carry Me Through This God, I Trust You! Heidi Rettig's story

Tragedy, pain, we all experience it at some point. But how do we make it through? Heidi Rettig cried out to God and He carried her. Listen as Heidi and host, Jodie Chiricosta, share how a lot of our faith walk is trusting Go…
Jan. 16, 2023

God is Shockingly Good! Kimberly Logsdon's story

God is good, all the time. As a business woman and single Mom, Kimberly experienced the saving grace of God. Since then, she has experienced His goodness and presence in the good and not so good times. As she has worshipped …
Jan. 9, 2023

Your Giftings Are Important To God, Marie Umidi's Story

You are important to God; and so are your giftings! Marie Umidi grasped this as she offered her musical and theater talents to Him. He took her offering from its small beginning and has used it mightily. The vision God put i…