Her God Story with Jodie Chiricosta


Oct. 16, 2023

Faith, Healing, and Sharing God's Love, Renee Hall's Story

What happens when your facade crumbles? Renee Hall experienced fear, shame and confusion. But in the midst of grave trials, God drew her to Himself. Renee has overcome personal challenges, including having a miraculous healin...
Oct. 9, 2023

God's Wisdom and Our Faith, Victoria Sarvadi's Story

Dr. Victoria Sarvadi has a passion for acquiring knowledge to assist others in their spiritual journeys. She had a life-altering experience after a clinical death, which shaped her mission to help people in their walk with th...
Oct. 2, 2023

Rejoice in Truth! Priscilla and Sapphira’s God Stories

Description: What is truth? Listen as host Jodie Chiricosta explores the concept of truth. The stories of Sapphira and Priscilla, two women from the New Testament, illustrate the impact of truth in our lives. Their lives teac...
Sept. 25, 2023

Embracing Joy in the Journey, Debi Tengler's God Story

If it isn’t good yet, God is not done yet! Debi Tengler’s life has been a testament to that. From entrepreneurship to ministry, Debi's journey, anchored in Jeremiah 29:11 and Romans 8:28, demonstrates the transformative power...
Sept. 18, 2023

Enjoying Freedom in Christ, Leah Austin's Story

Embark on a remarkable journey as Leah Austin shares the profound meaning of freedom in Christ In this episode, we explore pivotal moments from Leah's life that released her from fear and bondage. Learn how God's love and gra...
Sept. 11, 2023

Experiencing God Changes Us, Linda Morrison's Story

Have you ever experienced God? Linda Morrison learned that God desires to have an intimate relationship with us. And she has chosen to focus on His goodness in the midst of every situation. There are so many ways that God exp...
Sept. 4, 2023

Unstoppable Faith: Joan Hunter's God Story

Embark on an extraordinary journey with Joan Hunter , a woman of unwavering faith and a testament to the incredible power of God. Prepare to be captivated by His Divine intervention and the profound resilience that stems from...
July 31, 2023

God's Presence Changes Everything! The Shunammite Woman's Story

God’s presence changes everything! When the Shunammite woman pursued God, He took notice! He saw her heart and understood her desire to know Him. He made a way for her time and again when there seemed to be no way. And God wi...
July 24, 2023

Jesus is The Hero, Mary Foky's Story

Who is the hero of your story? Many of us like to think we are! Movies, books, and TV programs cast the vision that we all can be. Mary Foky dreamed of being a hero for God; saving the world through her dedication and sacrifi...
July 17, 2023

Dream Big About Living to Please God, Melanie Bedogne's Story

What do you dream about? What seems like success to you? God has taken Melanie Bedogne’s dreams and reframed them. As she has walked with God, Melanie has learned the importance of Christian community and the beauty and power...
July 10, 2023

Overcome Your Fear: Stories that Build Faith

Fear can be a real battle. It hinders our ability to do things, it can sap our joy, it can sabotage relationships, it paralyzes us in many ways. But God has given us spiritual weapons to overcome fear so we can live with conf...
July 3, 2023

God Can Renew Your Mind, Sydney Tooman Betts’ Story

Who influences you? Are your beliefs defined by what you hear on social media, by advice shows, or talking to friends and co-workers? Are your actions a result of a rocky upbringing and family life? Sydney Tooman Betts grew u...
June 26, 2023

I Survived A Plane Crash By God’s Grace, Joke Yakubu's Story

Joke Yakubu survived a plane crash! But as she lay buried in the rubble, she asked, “God am I going to die?” Years earlier Joke had put her faith in Christ when He spoke to her, “it’s not about just going to church. It’s abou...
June 19, 2023

I Needed Perfect Love To Cast Out Fear, Sandra Tracy's Story

The struggle between faith and fear is real! Even mature believers face challenges that test their trust in God. When Sandra Tracy’s only child had a near fatal health crisis, it stretched her to the breaking point. But as sh...
June 12, 2023

God Won't Let You Down, Laura Allred's Story, cont.

Have you been disappointed in life? Do you wonder if God has your best interest at heart? Laura Allred can relate. After several crushing disappointments, she withdrew – for a season. But she missed God’s presence! So, she to...
June 5, 2023

God has a Great Adventure for You, Laura Allred's Story

Just say yes! When Laura Allred committed to say yes to God's invitations, He opened amazing doors for her. As she learned to hear His voice, she discovered that a simple act of obedience can change your life. God took her to...
May 29, 2023

Where Do You Find Your Worth? Stacy McDonald 's Story

Is it okay for Christians to struggle? As a teen, Stacey McDonald experienced the pain of trying to portray perfection, even when things were not. God showed her that there is power and freedom in transparency. God gave her a...
May 22, 2023

God Saved My Place As I Was Mom, Nadine Naisbitt's Story

What if? A NASA scientist and Mom, Nadine Naisbitt was trained to think of all the “what if” scenarios that could go wrong in space. That thinking bled into her personal life. Living in fear of the “what ifs'' kept her from stepping out in faith. But then God gave her a revelation that set her free…
May 16, 2023

Delight Yourself in God, Jan Tennyson’s Story, cont.

Divine appointments happen! When we delight in God and dream with Him, He opens amazing doors! As Jan Tennyson has stepped out in faith to minister God’s love to hurting children, God has given her creativity and favor. She h...
May 8, 2023

God Delights in You, Jan Tennyson’s Story

God actually delights in every detail of our lives . He plants desires in us and He fulfills them at just the right time. Jan Tennyson has seen that truth active in her life in remarkable ways. Listen as Jan and host, Jodie C...
May 1, 2023

Be A Part of God's Big Plan!

You are a part of God’s big plan! He has a purpose and destiny for you. God will guide you into that purpose if you walk with Him. He will redeem your mistakes, and equip you for your destiny. Listen as Jodie Chiricosta share...
April 24, 2023

I Learned To Stand On God's Word, Laura Mineau's Story (cont.)

Do you crumble when you face trials? In the midst of her trial, Lura Mineau stood on God’s Word and experienced its power. Throughout her life, she has said “yes” to God and He opened doors of ministry. Listen to Lura and hos...
April 17, 2023

You Can Trust God, Lura Mineau’s Story

“If I never open this door, I never have to face the truth ,” Lura Mineau thought when tragedy struck. Fear had controlled Lura’s life, but God showed her that He is trustworthy in every situation. Listen to Lura and host, Jo...
April 10, 2023

God’s Plan “B”, Rhoda Bowman’s Story

Expectations. Even good ones,when unfulfilled, can steal our joy, harm relationships and skew our view of God. Rhoda Bowman’s relationships did not go the way she expected. Saved at a young age, she did not fully understand h...