Her God Story with Jodie Chiricosta


Jan. 2, 2023

The Promise is Here, Now What Do I Do? A Look at Mary's Story

What do you do when your promise finally comes? If you have been waiting for, hoping for, believing for something for a long time, you may not be thinking about what comes next. Faulty expectations can cause you to miss what…
Dec. 26, 2022

Waiting On Your Promise? Here are 5 Things Mary Did!

Suddenlies are coming! Suddenlies are those promises that we have been waiting for, hoping for, believing for, praying for and that we finally see happen. They are moments when God’s promise or word is finally fulfilled – wh…
Dec. 19, 2022

My Christmas Miracle! Kim Kossie McKee's God Story

Are you waiting on a miracle? After many years of waiting for her miracle, Kim Kossie McKee believed that God was saying the time had come. Listen in as Kim shares how God brought about a Christmas miracle. It will encourage…
Dec. 12, 2022

God Loves Us So Much! Mary Beth’s Christmas Story

God loves us! The Lord reminded Mary Beth Gilbert just how much as she shared the Christmas story with her daughter one year. Listen as Mary Beth recounts this sweet story with host, Jodie Chiricosta. You’ll be reminded how …
Dec. 5, 2022

I Want to Cancel Christmas This Year, Katy Stevens' Story

Presence, not presents. When the Stevens family unexpectedly found themselves in the midst of a health crisis, meeting their normal holiday expectations was overwhelming. When they dialed back the gift giving and celebration…
Nov. 28, 2022

God Gets The Final Word, Lynn Beattie’s Story

What does it mean to stand in faith? When things are rough, can you still trust God? Lynn Beattie has experienced God’s faithfulness even when walking through the valley of the shadow of death. Through it all, she has learne…
Nov. 21, 2022

Thanksgiving Has a Rich Legacy, God Stories With Mary Beth Gilbert

Thanksgiving is a beautiful way to honor God , and prepare our hearts for Christmas! Join Mary Beth Gilbert and Jodie Chiricosta as they share fun memories and the marvelous beginnings of Thanksgiving. You’ll discover more a…
Nov. 14, 2022

God’s Plan For You Is Joy, Alissa Gustafson's Story

Depression is no match for God! When an event in her teens sent her into a lingering depression, Alissa Gustafson learned that God can bring joy in the midst of difficulties. Listen as Alissa and host, Jodie Chiricosta, shar…
Nov. 7, 2022

God Will Use You In Remarkable Ways, Becky Keenan's Story (cont.)

Miracles don’t just happen overseas! Becky Keenan has seen miraculous things happen right at home! Responding quickly to the Lord has allowed her the privilege of seeing God move over and over again. Join Becky and host, Jod…
Oct. 31, 2022

Faith Life is a Beautiful Life, Becky Keenan's Story

Faith births miracles. Saved at a young age, Becky Keenan has followed God with abandon. She has experienced His miraculous provision; seen Him heal; rejoiced as people came to Christ; and been amazed at the doors He has ope…
Oct. 24, 2022

My Marriage Was Restored By God, Diane Bustamante's Story

God restores! He even restores things that look hopeless. Diane Bustamante has gone through trials that looked to destroy her and ruin her family. BUT GOD! From within the walls of a psychiatric hospital, Diane cried out to …
Oct. 17, 2022

There’s Joy in Your Calling, Dannette Crawford's Story

Joy is not dependent on circumstance! Dannette Crawford lives this in spite of unexpectedly becoming a single mom. A powerful minister, Dannette shares how to prosper in the joy of the Lord by following God’s path, even when…
Oct. 10, 2022

Love With Arms Wide Open, Kelly Florence’s Story

God’s love is unreserved. It includes everyone. Kelly Florence experienced that kind of all-inclusive love at a young age and accepted it completely. She has felt God’s love carry her through trying and exciting times. And n…
Oct. 3, 2022

God Can Use Your Story! Debra Torres’ Story

Debra Torres dreamed of being a writer. Her plans were side-lined by life until her husband challenged her to spend 30 minutes a day writing. Now a published author, Debra discovered that God had a plan and purpose for her g…
Sept. 26, 2022

God Doesn't Waste A Thing, Kim Kossie McKee's Story (cont).

You can trust God’s plan – even when it doesn’t seem to make sense! Kim Kossie McKee has seen it. God guided her along a circuitous path to prepare her for where she is today. As she waited on Him, served where He directed, …
Sept. 19, 2022

Led By the Spirit, Kim Kossie McKee's story

The Lord directs the steps of the Godly. Kim Kossie McKee attests to that! As a college student God used her and others to bring revival to her college campus. Later, when her path seemed to be going in the wrong direction, …
Sept. 12, 2022

In the School of Faith, Belinda Thacker's Story

How much do you really trust God? Belinda Thacker has faced that question many times in her life. Early in her Christian walk, God sent Belinda through the School of Faith. She experienced first hand God’s personal faithfuln…
Sept. 5, 2022

Learning to Win in Spiritual Warfare, Beverly Burchett’s Story

What are the keys to winning in spiritual warfare? God has trained Beverly Burchett and her husband, Charles, what those are through a series of life experiences. There have been hard times along the way, but they have witne…
Aug. 29, 2022

Talking With God About Hard Things, The Rev. Dr. Susan Bubbers’ Story

We all have questions. Some are bigger than others. God can answer them all, when we seek Him. The Rev. Dr. Susan Bubbers' first memory is having a conversation with Jesus in a row boat. Since then she has had many talks wit…
Aug. 22, 2022

Friendship is a Powerful Ministry, Cassy Smith’s Story

Be a friend ! That is Cassy Smith’s mission. Whatever she does and wherever she goes, she offers friendship. Cassy encountered God at a young age and as she grew, God drew her into a deeper friendship with Him. She learned t…
Aug. 15, 2022

I Was Changed By The Power of the Holy Spirit, Kay Horner’s Story

“Chosen, Anointed, Daughter of the Most High God,” that is what God calls me,” says Kay Horner. God had a purpose and a destiny for Kay’s life that was mightier than the enemy’s plan for her destruction. The same goes for yo…
Aug. 8, 2022

My Joy Eventually Came Back, Katy Stevens' Story

Life isn’t all about sunshine and rainbows. There are times when circumstances will block out the sun in your life. Katy Stevens learned this while facing the loss of one son and later the cancer diagnosis for another son. T…
Aug. 1, 2022

Our Identity Comes From God's Heart, Mary Beth Gilbert’s Story (cont.)

Knowing your identity is important. Knowing God’s identity is too! Seeing His Providential hand at work in our lives helps bring clarity to both. When Mary Beth Gilbert’s daughter, Maria, became seriously ill, knowing God’s …
July 25, 2022

God Speaks! Mary Beth Gilbert ’s Story

Was that really You, God? It can be confusing at times to hear God’s voice; especially when the unexpected happens. But God wants us to hear and understand Him! He’s always ready to guide us. Mary Beth Gilbert has learned th…