
March 31, 2022

Happy Together - Biblical Perspectives on Family

The prophet Zechariah painted a picture of the Messianic Era: gentiles coming from the four corners of the earth, approaching and wanting to follow the Jewish people. The past 2000 years have carved a vast chasm between Chri…
March 24, 2022

Ten Gentiles Will Grasp the Garment of a Jew

The prophet Zechariah painted a picture of the Messianic Era: gentiles coming from the four corners of the earth, approaching and wanting to follow the Jewish people. The past 2000 years have carved a vast chasm between Chri…
March 17, 2022

Celebrating Purim, the Salvation of the Jews in Persia

The Book of Esther is the only book of the Bible in which God is not mentioned expressly. Jews celebrate the miraculous events in Esther on the holiday of Purim. It’s a unique holiday as we recount the turning upside down t…
March 10, 2022

Why is Israel so Significant to Christians and Why it Should Be

God put Israel on the heart of Julie Sironi to the extent that Israel became an obsession, for her and her family. God performed incredible miracles to and through her, bringing her to Israel and putting her in a place where…
March 3, 2022

Israel looking at Iran, looking at Russia invading Ukraine

How are Israelis responding to the Russian invasion of Ukraine? The global impact is wide and deep, but Israel’s view is unique, virtually sharing a border with Russia. What are Israel’s interests? Are Jews being threatene…
Feb. 24, 2022

The State of the Relationship Between Jews and Christians

Today, we could fill a considerable list of leaders among Jews and Christians who are pillars of building bridges among one another. Forty years ago, that was not the case for many reasons, and a few outstanding leaders set …
Feb. 17, 2022

Enemies and Allies, A Conversation with Joel Rosenberg

Released 20 years after September 11, Joel Rosenberg’s “Enemies and Allies” is the first book to be published with unique behind the scenes insight to the 2020 Abraham Accords. Then, Saudis were considered evil, with most of…
Feb. 10, 2022

Music That Will Make You Happy

There’s no more authentic worship music than music from Israel where everything is inspired by the Bible. One of Israel’s most exciting duos is Yonina, a husband and wife team who have been making beautiful music together an…
Feb. 3, 2022

How Chinese Christians Experience Israel

What do you get when you take a young Christian Chinese woman from Taiwan and move her to Jerusalem? No, this is not a joke but the inspiring story of how one Chinese Christian woman is opening the eyes and hearts of Chinese…
Jan. 27, 2022

Why Remember the Holocaust

The Holocaust is one of the greatest crimes against humanity in which six million Jews, one third of all the Jewish people, were murdered. Why, this week, as we mark the 77th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, is it…
Jan. 20, 2022

Living Biblical Ethics in Modern Times

More than a book of stories, the Bible is a guidebook in our day to day lives. For thousands of years, Jewish tradition has extrapolated numerous laws and Biblical values, and adapted these to our modern experiences. What ar…
Jan. 13, 2022

Dr. King, the Black Church, and Israel

This week we celebrate the birth and honor the memory of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. More than 50 years after his death, Dr. King’s voice and moral clarity still resonate with us. What was Dr. King’s understanding of Israel a…
Jan. 6, 2022

Why is Israel so Significant to Christians and Why it Should Be

Responsible for managing a network of over 200 podcasts on one of the largest Christian media networks in the world, Dr. Steve Greene overlays his outstanding career in marketing and business with faith and teaching. What’s …
Dec. 30, 2021

Iran: All Options on the Table

Reports of Iran racing to acquire a nuclear weapon and the consequences of that occupy the news in Israel daily, like the weather. Indeed, Iran refers to Israel as a "one bomb country," meaning that it can be destroyed with …
Dec. 23, 2021

Top Ten Prophetic News Stories from Israel 2021

It’s the end of the year and what better time to recap some of the highlights of 2021. But in Israel, we do things differently. We do things prophetically. Indeed, there’s no place in the world where prophecy is demonstrate…
Dec. 16, 2021

The Trial of “Jesus the Palestinian”

In recent years around this season, its become more common for people to refer to Jesus as a “Palestinian,” “the first Palestinian,” and even a “Palestinian martyr. You’d expect it from some of the sources, but it’s also cr…
Dec. 9, 2021

No Surrender: How an American Christian Soldier Became a Righteous Gentile

In December 1944, Master Sergeant Roddie Edmonds was captured after the bloody Battle of the Bulge, and taken to an infamous Nazi POW camp. Living under unspeakable conditions, simply surviving the winter was not to be taken…
Dec. 2, 2021

Blessing Israel After the Rapture

Christians understand the significance of the rapture but the profound theological revelation about what to do, how, and why its significant to bless Israel after the rapture is not yet as fully well known. Join this conver…
Nov. 24, 2021

Giving Thanks in Judaism

Thanksgiving is both a holiday and a verb. It’s wonderful, a blessing, to have one day to pause and be especially thankful for all our blessings, especially when that includes one’s extended family. But is being thankful one…
Nov. 18, 2021

Giving Charity Righteously

Jews and Christians understand the Biblical obligation to give charity through tithing, as well as the imperative to bless Israel. But how does one figure out what organizations and ministries in Israel have the greatest imp…
Nov. 11, 2021

Why is Israel so Significant to Christians and Why it Should Be

From the ends of the earth, Christians understand the spiritual and historic significance of Israel in their own faith. As should be. Pastor Manasa Kolivuso is Senior Pastor of Faith Harvest Church in Fiji. As much as is th…
Nov. 4, 2021

Jerusalem Matters

“If I forget you, O Jerusalem, may my right hand cease to function. May my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth if I do not remember you, if I do not exalt Jerusalem as my greatest joy!” (Psalm 137:5-6) As much as Jews and C…
Oct. 28, 2021

From the Bible to Balfour

Three decades before Israel’s independence, Lord Arthur Balfour issued what’s known as the Balfour Declaration on behalf of the government of England. Balfour stated that the official government policy was to establish a Je…
Oct. 21, 2021

Run for Zion, Blessing Israel With Every Step

Run for Zion is the first and only program for Christians based on the Jerusalem Marathon. As a pilgrimage and service experience, participants connect with the Land and the People in ways they never imagined, and never ima…