
Oct. 11, 2022

"Purpose Hyped Pt.2: The Element That Changes Everything" S3 Ep20

One of the most popular questions you will get from People today is "What is my purpose?" Everyone wants to know why they’re here and what they’re supposed to do with their lives. This question plagues people of all ages bu…
Sept. 27, 2022

"Purpose Hyped Pt.1: Reconnecting with Your Why ft. Rusty Nelson" S3 Ep19

We live in a day where so many books, so many Ted talks, blogs, teachings, and conversations are on the subject of purpose. Yet there doesn't seem like there has been a time where more people can't seem to find their purpose…
Sept. 13, 2022

"Prophetic Masterclass Appetizer: ft. Julian Adams" S3 Ep18

Technology today is disrupting every industry and every area of life. We’ve seen the digital revolution change the game in demand for human expertise. As a result, there is now a premium on intellectual curiosity and learnab…
Sept. 6, 2022

"Deconstruction or Demolition Pt.2: ft. Abe Ortega & Dan Levy" S3 Ep17

There is a fire that has been growing in recent years. It’s not a new fire, it is a fire of mistrust and skepticism directed toward anything institutional. Also, the last few years have been a rough stretch in the eyes of ma…
Aug. 23, 2022

"Deconstruction or Demolition Pt.1: The Doubt Fad" S3 Ep16

Social Media in the last few years has been full of conversations regarding deconstruction. Many people are talking about it from many different angles. Conversations about deconstruction seem to be ubiquitous. There are so …
Aug. 9, 2022

"Selfie-Stick Saints Pt.2: Turning the Lens Around with Micah Steger" S3 Ep15

Wanting our own way is woven into the fabric of our fallen nature. Since the fall, it has been our default orientation. We can see this, even from our earliest days, whenever our way is crossed. We insist on our own way begi…
July 26, 2022

“Selfie Stick Saints Pt.1: The Current Cult of Self” S3 Ep14

The modern 'selfie' has established itself as the latest form of self-expression. Is it a harmless fad or a dangerous sign of modern society's growing narcissism? We are living in a “selfie” culture of self-centered, self-pr…
July 5, 2022

"Anointing Vs. Vibe Pt.2: Roe vs Wade & Convo w/ Brandon Gatson" S3 Ep13

Great changes are occurring in our World today, which demand a power that is beyond the natural plane that many cling to.... In this hour we need something beyond, we need the anointing. But many of us don’t really know what…
June 21, 2022

"Anointing Vs. Appealing Pt.1: No Faux Oil Here" S3 Ep12

There’s a permeating feeling of powerlessness everywhere around us right now. Over the last few years, people have begun to discuss and debate power even more furiously, consistently and desperately than ever before. With m…
June 7, 2022

"Absolutes Pt.2: Truth is the New Gravity" S3 Ep11

We live in a time of great anxiety over the role of truth in public life. Media and popular culture are saturated with concerns over “fake news,” alternative facts and conspiracy theories. There is widespread concern over th…
May 17, 2022

"Absolutes Pt.1: Living in a Whatever World" S3 Ep10

We live in a world that has dramatically changed its view of truth, resulting in an inherited value system that denies the existence of truth . Past generations of Americans viewed God as the basis of truth and morality. Not…
May 3, 2022

“Rest .. is a Power Move: Pt.2 w/ Eli Gautreaux” S3 Ep9

We live in a world where hustle culture is huge. We’re busier and more stressed than ever before. Our commotion culture enjoys a lack of sleep as a badge of honor. Stimulants, like caffeine & Red Bull, provide the means to …
April 19, 2022

“Rest in a Restless World: God Didn’t Create Hurry Pt.1" S3 Ep8

#YOLO. #FOMO...We live in a driven culture...One ruled by hurry and worry. We spend our time talking about how busy we are, how tired we are, and about how little sleep we get. We hustle, we rush, and we cut back on sleep. W…
April 5, 2022

"Narratives Pt.3: Weaponized Narratives vs. the Metanarrative" S3 Ep7

Since the mid-20th century, we have seen the medium of communication. News reports and data go from a dependency upon the printed page to the audio/visual, and now to the present digital age. The results have been nothing sh…
March 22, 2022

"Caught Up in the Narrative Pt.2: Gen Z w/ Andy Byrd" S3 Ep6

Long before the term “influencer” was coined, young people played that societal role by creating and interpreting trends. Now a new generation of influencers has come on the scene. Members of Gen Z are true digital natives, …
March 8, 2022

"Caught in the Narrative Pt.1: Bad Ideas Have Victims" S3 Ep5

In a world where power is often interpreted as the ability to exert physical and political influence over one’s enemies, it is important not to ignore a very different sort of battle space: the fight over perceptions and the…
Feb. 22, 2022

"What's Next: Prophetic Forecast Pt.3 w/ Emma Stark" S3 Ep4

As chaos abounds, we need to be poised to release life and hope into the gathering darkness. In this hour, it is crucial that we learn to listen to Holy Spirit and live from Heaven's reality. We must have the right propheti…
Feb. 8, 2022

"What's Next: Prophetic Sensing Pt.2 w/ Emma Stark" S3 Ep3

Most people associate the role of a prophet with the idea of telling the future & prognosticating what is going to happen next. But telling the future was not the major role of the Biblical prophets. In fact, their prophecie…
Jan. 25, 2022

"What’s Next, Prophetic Indicators & Sensing’s - Pt.1" S3 Ep2

The global spiritual climate is fast attracting the attention of the discerning and undiscerning alike. Cosmic upheavals of varying degrees have kept newscasters, forecasters, pundits & podcasters busy, as nation after natio…
Jan. 11, 2022

"The First O.G.: Prophetic Evangelism Pt.3 w/ Mario Murillo" S3 Ep1

We live in an “anything can happen and probably will” world. The unthinkable has become the acceptable. Recycled opinions are passed as original thinking, and people settle for what is, rather than fighting for what could b…
Dec. 28, 2021

"A New Jesus People Movement: Prophetic Evangelism Pt. 2" S2 Ep26

The prophetic evangelism movement is growing…. Groups of typically young believers are pouring out into the streets, coffee shops and shopping malls; listening to the Holy Spirit as He directs them to speak with people. Know…
Dec. 14, 2021

"Can I Get a Witness: Prophetic Evangelism Pt.1" S2 Ep25

As the world changes, post-COVID, the task of evangelism could very well become harder & harder with opportunities potentially increasingly restricted. Yet, if anything is true in this era, the need for evangelism is greater…
Nov. 30, 2021

"It's a Hunger Problem Pt.2: w/ Pastor Dustin Bates" S2 Ep24

Bruce Springsteen was right when he said, "Everybody’s got a hungry heart." Today we live in a day of information overload – daily crisis is the rule of the day. Media channels bombard us over and over again. Every day there…
Nov. 16, 2021

"It's a Hunger Problem: Taking Back Your Temple Pt.1" S2 Ep23

“ When a man loses money, he’s lost nothing; when he loses his health, he’s lost something; but when he loses his hunger, he doesn’t just lose something, he is lost” . The world seems ripe for spiritual enlightenment. Secula…