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So much life on this!
I hang on every word and am amazed at how much truth these two can pack into a half an hour. Love the way they love + honor each other as well. Not only has this podcast spurred me on in my faith walk, but it’s inspired me to be more intentional in calling out the gold in my spouse. Keep it up you two! God bless you!

Best Podcast Period
The anointing on both Sean and Christa is so obvious. This is a must listen to podcast. I have followed Sean since he came to Providence Church in little old Albany, Ga, where I was prophesied over. Christa brings that fire when she speaks. Thank you two for the podcast and your ministry. Sincerely, A Prophetic Evangelist

These two are the real deal!
Just listened to the episode they did with Will Ford and it was a game changer. Listening to people who are actually doing what they are talking about hits different than when people are just “theorists” about a subject. Gonna share this to my socials for sure

You two are amazing!!! Keep up the good work. I love the content!! Never disappoints.

Timely & A MUST Listen!
Sean and Christa Smith are a powerfully anointed couple sharing and breaking down very relevant topics for the crazy world we find ourselves living in today. With each episode I have walked away with a word- a life-changing truth, an encouragement and scripture that has helped to shift and shape my perspective —and has allowed me to walk with fresh bold confidence in faith through my days and weeks ahead. I was needing something new to listen to during my runs, to infuse fresh faith- and I know God had me start listening to this podcast and now I share it with everyone I can. You will not be disappointed!!!!!

Love you guys. This definitely hit home and so much in this podcast is exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you

An Essential Podcast
God’s Word comes alive as the Smith’s speak from our current circumstances. It is apparent God’s anointing is on them both!

One of the best podcasts I’ve ever heard! I can’t wait to listen to each episode. Insightful, powerful and so encouraging!

Exciting and Insightful!
Sean and Christa are fantastic communicators and share insight into the things of God in such practical ways. This podcast is feeding my soul and kingdom identity! I feel like I’m being mentored weekly in multiple dimensions of my life. So grateful for these voices coming to us regularly!

Incredible podcast that has spoken truth to my heart each time I’ve listened!

Love this podcast
I have really enjoyed this podcast! Two GREAT teachers who truly love and shine Jesus!

Best prep for the greatest harvest.
Thank you Sean and Christa for your willingness to be vulnerable in your teachings in order to truly equip us

Supernatural resiliency
Such a timely message for me today. I was in tears today but this was such an encouraging message for staying the course. That staying the course at hand will kick in, Will build that needed character of resiliency! It will kick out the set back (defeated victim mindset) and seeing it through

Real and relevant
Sean and Christa Smith have a heart after God. That is evident in every podcast, message or word presented. Amazing spiritual mentors.

Powerful and Fun!
I love these podcasts. Sean and Christa are so powerful, fun, engaging, prophetic, and encouraging. They speak God’s truth and their Godly identity shines through. They are practical and share real life stories of how God is a testimony of His word.

God sent!!
This podcast for me has definitely been God sent!! Often times while listening I will Thank God that he has given you two a message just for me!! I look forward to weekly listening as well as sharing it with my sons! I Thank you so much, I know my walk would just be harder if I didn't have you two encoraging me and giving me golden nuggets along the way!! Much Love for you both!!

Listen Twice!
Sean and Christa’s authenticity and transparency is what makes this podcast powerful and practical. I would recommend listening to each episode twice! Sometimes I’m preoccupied while listening to a podcast, and therefore listening with my head. But, I had to slow down on the second listen to hear what I missed the first time, and to take notes on what I could apply to my heart and life. That’s 100!

A Necessary Listen
With each episode Sean and Christa have the words to encourage, sharpen, confirm, and strengthen me as a person first then as a servant of God & humanity. It's all said in love and then they provide practical advice to apply to your life. The episode with Cindy Jacobs left me in a full weep! My hope has increased! Thank you! Keep shining and equipping us all! ❤️ Blessings! 🌈

Give Keep it 100 just one listen...
Give this podcast just one episode and you’ll be hooked! This is an incredibly down to earth, authentic and real couple. Talk about relevant to life right now! They both come from way different life experiences and give honest answers/ stories that pertain to all walks of life on how be real with God and have God get Real with you! Get ready, buckle up cause Gods about to bless you HUGE and show His unconditional love & power through this couple!

Rich, revelatory, relevant
This podcast is rich in revelation, and relevant to where I’m at! Great teaching and equipping for those who want to go deeper with the Lord. Check this podcast out!

The Real Deal
Love Sean and Christa! In a world with such fakeness, it is so refreshing to have such raw, authentic, real people for Jesus that represent Him well! They’re marriage of consistent honor and giving stage to each other inspires me, they both can revelate and preach the house down, but they aren’t just “platform ministers”. They are as real off stage as they are on stage! Highly recommend investing time in their teachings!

I have had the pleasure to personally do life with Christa and I know she is the real deal. I have watched Sean from afar and he never fails to deliver a timely word. The both of them together are heavy prophetic voices that carry the love of God for His people. This podcast is full of wisdom, power and encouragement. If you are needing vision, direction, guidance or a fresh breathe of God I would encourage you to listen.

Love these 2 so much!! You’ll laugh, maybe cry... but always leave inspired to pursue God in a deep way. Thank you both for sharing who you are & you’re inspiring stories make me so hungry for more !!

The Voice you need to hear.
You won’t regret listening. You’ll be inspired provoked, and energized all at the same time!

The Real Deal
Holy Ghost power couple! Love these two so much! Great communicators for such a time as this...yet REAL...what you see and hear on platforms is the same in person.

Review on Sean and Christa Smith
Thank you both for continuous, obedience to share the voice of the Lord. The truth of his word truly heals where we are hurting. For those who have come across Sean and Christa Smith, keep listening. You will find the voice of God through them.🔥🔥📖❤️

Chaos or Revival?
The Smiths have dedicated their lives to studying, teaching and contending for personal and corporate revival. This podcast is pivotal for such a time as this in our world. Often times when there is chaos, it creates a sense of hunger that only God Himself can satiate and thousands come to the Lord.

Gods finger prints
this took me back to my early days with the Lord and the encounters I had with Jesus that at the time I didn’t fully understand but they marked my life and now I know it’s part of my destiny🔥 thank you so much! Blessings

Powerful Truths
I love how Sean and Christa take key spiritual truths and open them up to new and fresh revelations. I also am enjoying the God stories that they both share from each of their own journey with Jesus.

Deep Word
Soooooo good! God touches my heart and spirit everytime I listen. I appreciate your obedience in stepping out into the podcast world and look forward to the next episode! Marlee