In part 18 of "Getting to Know the Holy Spirit," Dr. Brown continues talking about the spiritual gifts and also talks about each Christian having a role in the larger Church body.
In part 17 of "Getting to Know the Holy Spirit," Dr. Brown talks about the indwelling and gifts of the Holy Spirit. ~~~ FRONTL|NE Newsletter: Donate:
In part 16 of "Getting to Know the Holy Spirit," Dr. Brown goes through 25 Biblical principles on how to be led by the Spirit. ~~~ FRONTL|NE Newsletter: Donate:
In part 15 of "Getting to Know the Holy Spirit," Dr. Brown continues to talk about mankind's tripartite nature and how Christians should strive to be Spirit-Led, rather than fleshly or soulish. ~~~ FRONTL|NE Newsletter: https...
In part 14 of "Getting to Know the Holy Spirit," Dr. Brown discusses mankind's tripartite nature. ~~~ FRONTL|NE Newsletter: Donate: X: https://twi...
In part 13 of "Getting to Know the Holy Spirit," Dr. Brown talks about the "inner witness" and understanding how to interpret outward signs. ~~~ FRONTL|NE Newsletter: Donate: https://theli...
In part 12 of "Getting to Know the Holy Spirit," Dr. Brown talks about using discernment to recognize the Spirit's guidance. ~~~ FRONTL|NE Newsletter: Donate:
In part 11 of the series "Getting to Know the Holy Spirit," Dr. Brown talks about the Church needing the Spirit's anointing to work out God's will in the world. ~~~ FRONTL|NE Newsletter: D...
In Part 10 of "Getting to Know the Holy Spirit," Dr. Brown talks about recognizing the Holy Spirit when He moves. He also talks about discerning what is really from the Lord. ~~~ FRONTL|NE Newsletter: https://thelineoffire.or...
In Part 9 of "Getting to Know the Holy Spirit," Dr. Brown talks about the fire of the Spirit and what happens when the Spirit falls. He also goes on to talk about the Baptism of the Spirit and how we are imbued with the Spir...
In part 7 of the "Getting to Know the Holy Spirit" series, Dr. Brown talks about being led and leading by the power of the Spirit. He talks about how the Spirit changes us and works through us to change the world. ~~~ FRONTL|...