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Thank you, Dr. Brown! And praise the lord!
I love your podcast, It’s so encouraging. I gave my life to Jesus Christ last year, a month after I turned 13. My life was changed! And when I heard your radio podcast on AFR (American Family Radio) I was so encouraged! I have been in lots of crisis. I’m trying to get my family to go back to church, and I’ve been struggling. After what my mother had went through in the church she use to go to, She doesn’t want anybody to go to church. But I know that Jesus Christ will pull me through this crisis, and I know that my family will get back to church and turn to Jesus. Thank you again for your wisdom, encouragement and faith. May god bless

Great Content Low Volume
Love the content but the audio volume is always very low compared to all other podcasts I listen to on my phone. Powerful message and needs to be heard clearly.

The Real Deal Leader
I’ve had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Brown and have read many of his books. I’m always impressed and touched by his insights and wisdom. I was blessed with my wife to attend Brownsville and prayed over by Steve Hill and Dr. Brown. Our miracle occurred and we had a baby boy. He’s 26 now and is on fire for the Lord Jesus! Thank you Dr. Brown for your dedication to the Body.

I am grateful for his wisdom & fearlessness
Dr Brown is setting the facts straight. He is risking his life to debate anyone on the facts presented in scripture and he allows the words of GOD speak for themselves. He is loyal to Yehoshua and the purpose of his arrival, as well as the purpose of his death for humanity and every sin that was, that is and will be. Thank you so much Dr Brown for being my Hero.

Great Podcast
Dr. Brown is a trusted voice and understands the importance to equip his listeners to be bold in their faith! I have listened to this podcast for years and I continue to learn new things that strengthens my faith! Definitely recommend subscribing!

Spiritual Giant
Dr. Brown blends power, love and wisdom really well. His courage plus erudition are a rare blend. Long life and rich ministry to the good Doctor.

Plz battle
Dr. Brown please battle Iglesia Ni Cristo. Dr James white battled one on the trinity it got very tense. His name is Ventilacion he’s a Filipino from the cult church. Thank you

5/24 episode
I think Ms. Gilson and Dr. Brown are in agreement in their theology and that Dr. Brown misundertood Ms. Gilson’s point. Rebecca McLaughlin’s Confronting Christianity podcast recently had her and addressed this specific question.

Who Changed?
Always a welcomed voice among all voices. Keeping the Word at the forefront of every conversation and challenging the listener to know the truth. Thank you Dr. Brown for keeping us grounded.

Excellent podcast
I love this podcast! Dr. Brown is an intelligent, educated, biblically sound, level headed host who offers Christian perspectives on current issues in the news. This podcast has been a blessing to me and I’m thankful for it! Thank you Dr. Brown, I would recommend this podcast to anyone!

I highly recommend Dr. Brown!!
One of the sharpest, most balanced, intellectually honest & biblically sound teachers on talk radio. I would say his show ranks as one of my 5 favorite podcasts of all time.

Great resource to keep you grounded
Reading a book and article written by Michael Brown got me to his podcast. I think he does a great job of blending Biblical truth, his personal opinion, hearing the other side, and the facts behind events to discuss a wide variety of topics. I am surprised by the vast array of different things he talks about. You don’t have to agree 100% with Michael to get something beneficial from his show. However, he should challenge every wise listener and sharpen every legit thinker. Even his opponents will learn from him!

Learn lots from his insights
I listen to his radio shows and read his books very in-depth man that has a love for Jesus and love for people. I’ve been listening to some of your own podcast and I love the podcast “ what does it mean to be a disciple?”

I’ve only listened to a few, but I already really appreciate Dr. Brown’s intelligence, reason, and Christlikeness. Especially when talking about contentious issues, he is thoughtful and gentle. God bless you, Dr. Brown!

Unequaled scholarship
What a kind and Godly yet uncompromising interviewing and discussion style. Thank you for years of education, Dr. Brown.

Very good podcast
Dr. Brown has done a great deal studying Scripture and speaks the truth .

Relevant and useful
Counter-missionaries have arguments that my professors have answered in ways that left me questioning. Dr. Brown understands the opposition and speaks to them openly. This is very important and I’m not aware of anyone else doing it.

Will go against the flow
I deeply appreciate Dr Brown's willingness to go against the flow when it seems pleasing to the LORD.

A Needed Voice in Today’s World!!!
Dr. Brown is a critical voice that must be heard, especially in the midst of the challenges that America and the world are facing. HIs scholarship, his biblical expertise, and his practical wisdom are needed forces in this hour.

For standing for truth.

Patience with collars
One of several reasons why I listen to Dr. Brown every day is his patience with collars who strongly disagree with him. Patience is not my strong suit, so I admire anyone who has a high level of it. God bless Dr. Brown!

Wisdom and help
I appreciate the wisdom and clear teaching from Dr Michael Brown on such varied subjects.

Good man, good teacher for the most part
I’m a non-charismatic, conservative Christian and although I disagree with Dr Brown on the obvious topic of the charismatics, and occasionally other things, I’ve found him to be genuine and Biblically accurate on the essentials. His Jewish insights are very helpful, and his kindness is obvious- whether you agree or disagree with him. I enjoy his podcast right along with those of John MacArthur and RC Sproul... go figure😀.

Absolute joy
Must listen to to!

Holy Ghost Love and Correction
Dr. Brown has definitely been a blessing in my life. His love for people shines thru in his conversations and his writings. He knows Jesus on a personal level, I can tell just from how he interacts with people and how gracious he is. This is not to glorify the man, but to glorify the God this man claims to know. His name is Jesus!! May God continue to use and edify the body through this man’s ministry.

Breaking the stronghold of food
Can you start doing a podcast based off your book, Breaking The Stronghold of Food? I am on the journey of breaking my food addiction. I would love to be able to hear podcasts to help me through it. I’m sure others would too!

Great POD Cast!
Love Doc Brown and how he plainly puts things for people to understand.

Spiritual real is real
Great talk brother, greatly enjoyed the content and look forward to hearing more. God bless you.

A True Teacher
I have the background of being raised in conservative Christianity and then educating myself in progressive Christianity, in which I lost all hope, but then was finally rescued by God! I’ve read and read and listened to countless “teachers” and theologians on both ends of the spectrum, some very good and others very toxic to faith, but I have found Dr Michael Brown to be an authentic teacher, full of the Holy Spirit and given gifts and passion and a calling specifically for this generation. To all who call upon the name of Jesus, Yeshua, lend your ears to this mature brother in the faith, and through Christ he will help you to grow into your own gifts and calling. Keep up the tremendous work that you do, Dr Brown!

My go to podcast!
Always exciting and informative.