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Dr. Brown speaks truth and love
Great resource for many Theological and Biblical facts. Dr. Michael speaks the truth when it’s hard and when other leaders don’t want to address the tough topics, be that Biblical history or hot topic cultural debates. He shows great discipline and dedication to his calling with teachings, books, articles, debates, and more. Keep Dr. Michael in prayer and support the work God has burdened him to do. I can’t listen on the radio so thanks for this podcast! Thanks for all you do! Blessings brother.

Knowledge + Zeal
This podcast has it all. Dr Brown is an expert in the Bible, specializing in Near Eastern and Semitic Languages. He also has the heart for revival. Makes this podcast feel like the rally cry of revolution in a dying culture.

Plain truth
This podcast speaks truth and seeks it in every subject even the controversial ones, in light of the Word of God. Thank God for obedient children like Dr. Brown.

More Lord!
I start off my day with this podcast. I'm a graduate of FIRE School of Ministry. I appreciate the fact that Doc has been steady and stable for YEARS. In a world going crazy, Dr. Brown is a voice of reason, comfort and encouragement. P.S - Don't try challenging him on Hebrew. You will only hurt yourself.

What a blessings!
In short, this is a great podcast covering current events from a biblical perspective. Dr. Brown is very informative and has such a heart for The Lord, and has great compassion for people. My favorite show is on Friday, You've got questions, we've got answers! Give it a listen for yourselves!!

This is a great show
Thank you Dr. Brown I just found this on i-tunes but I have been listening to this show for the last 5 years. It has been such a big help as I seek to learn God's ways and will for my life. I listen often, but especially love Thursdays and the Jewish roots content.

This is the best podcast on iTunes, Dr Michael Brown shines a light on the toughest issues and his knowledge and wisdom in the Word is unmatched. Amazing teacher.

Love Dr. Brown!
Dr. Michael Brown brings a humble, biblical perspective to world events and theology. His passion for Jesus fills the podcast. I love Dr. Brown's zeal for the Lord and God's truth flows in these podcasts.

The premier Messianic Jewish apologist!
I have been listening for over a year. He is a spectacularly articulate and informed defender of the Faith once given. Highly recommended!

I listen to line of fire pretty much everyday. I thank the Most High for raising up ministries like these in this time and age that we live in. This podcast has been a blessing to my life and I especially love the interviews and insight and knowledge and scholarship of this ministry. We need much more effective Jewish leaders, scholars, and believers in the body of Messiah; oh that the Most High would restore all the years that the locust have devoured.

Send the Fire!
Love it so much, I became a torchbearer. So should you.

Great Show. One Request.
Great show, I listen everyday. I have 1 request, please change the naming scheme to make it possible to subscribe via the Podcast app on the iPhone. The date at the beginning of the show's episode name makes it impossible to sort by most recent. Thanks. Love your show.

Are you ready?
If you're ready to leave a life of mediocre spirituality, then start listening and get challenged to live ablazed for the will of God in your life, renew your passion for the word and the lost and also activate your faith to live in the spirit. Be fortified to hear the truth and put it in action.

We love you Dr. Brown!! God bless you a turbo amount!!! Carmen and family!

Dr. Brown at his best!
As a missionary overseas ministering a lot it is refreshing to here insight, revelation, truth, & passion that comes from Dr. Brown. I try to listen to at least 1 or 2 of the podcasts daily. Highly recommend for any believer at any level of maturity!

Very good, especially in Jewish Apologetics. Suggestion: Add a "current news analysis" as fixed first segment.

Great podcast here at the line of fire
Thanks Dr. Brown for your straight shooting gospel message. I hope more people get to listen to these shows via podcasts, internet, or local radio; they will be blessed.

In the Line of Fire
Dr. Michael L. Brown is simultaneously brilliant and burning. He is always an edifying tongue to hear and anyone who takes the time to listen to him will know that JESUS is the Love of his life. Stick around here too long, you might catch it. Listen to "Have you forsaken your first love."

Awsome Podcast!!
In a world where most everyone (including Christians) are held captive by political correctness, Dr. Brown tells it like it is according to the Bible and makes no apoligies for it. I wish there were more podcasts like this available.