
June 30, 2022

Faith in Hollywood and the Media with Dr. Meri Crouley

Dr. Candice interviews Dr. Meri Crouley on Faith in Hollywood and the Media. Do you feel you have made too many mistakes for God to help you? Are you overwhelmed and need encouragement to keep going? Dr. Candice interviews Dr...
June 28, 2022

New Mantles are Coming

The brand new Hebrew Month of Tammuz begins sundown on Tuesday, June 28 and God is releasing new mantles from heaven as we endeavor to grow in our identity in Christ. We are called to leave behind false identities and idols...
June 23, 2022

Not Good to Be Alone By Pastor Adam Smithyman

Pastor Adam Smithyman does a Hebrew word study on man and woman from Genesis 2:18 and shares God’s intent that it is not good for man to be alone and what this understanding of the Hebrew words means for us and God’s intent f...